Month: January 2017

Aka Dua: Days 3 – 5

So here’s Part II of my Aka Dua practice digest. I didn’t talk much about the history of Aka Dua last time, so I think I’ll open briefly with that.

I mentioned in my last post the Aka Dua was passed down by the Toltec but its origins predate that civilization. It is said that the energy originally referred to as “the power” was brought to them via “Atlantis”. I put this in quotes because it is nothing historically confirmed nor part of my personal experience. I do believe, of course, in ancient civilizations that were able to do things and who had knowledge that we today can’t even imagine. One only has to look at the Great Pyramids, Stonehenge, or ancient glyphs referencing alien life and technology to know our ancestors knew something we no longer do. Suffice it to say, Aka Dua is an ancient energy.

It is also said that the Aka Dua came from another substance known as Sro; it is one of many fragments of this Sro, given to and preserved by the Toltec priests and passed down on the QT until such time as now, when it is most needed for our evolution.

I’ll share more about what Aka Dua initiations entail in my next post.

Day 3

I worked with the Aka Dua off and on throughout the day in small doses. Then in the evening, I did a concentrated practice and meditation with it during which it came through very strongly and with slightly different qualities which I attribute to the frequencies of lunar and atmospheric. Lunar feels very soft to me, just like the light of the moon. It is slightly hazy. Atmospheric feels very wide and fresh. It imparted a clearing away. I played with some Aka Dua videos on youtube, and when I experienced receiving solar, it came in a rush that was almost like being knocked over but at the same time, being held or supported from falling over. There was a strength to it. So far, I’m really just sensing and guessing. After only three days, I simply can’t be sure I’m accurately reading things. No matter. I will simply continue to explore the energy and intend to integrate it completely. The prickly sensation wasn’t as strong today. However, turning on the energy is definitely palpable to my palms. I am feeling an initial sweep inside my body and a coolness too which seems to shift or fade after a while. I consistently feel better after practice.

Day 4

Didn’t sleep very well last night. Don’t know if I can attribute it to any one thing. It happens. I meditated after doing some work online, and then eventually ran some Aka Dua (AD) around 3 AM, and it was very palpable from head to toe but soothing. Actually, I felt it’s presence during the meditation too. I eventually drifted off. When I woke up, I understood that AD is like a new operating system. So, even the meditation I did earlier made use of it. I am learning to find my way around this new operating system which has made files run more smoothly and take up fewer resources, enhancing “user experience”. I can still run old programs on the old system; they are obviously compatible. Not that I want to! I sort of have to until I fully integrate things. Eventually, the AD will become the only operating system I use.

Day 5

Rough night! Last night, I watched an “assemblage point shift with light language” video that was very powerful; it had me spinning. Then I practiced some chanting and worked with one of the Aka Dua chakra videos before bed.

All night long, I dreamed fear-based end-of-world type dreams; then I’d become slightly lucid and hear myself say, “That was all bullshit. That’s not true.” Then the cycle would repeat. All night long. It felt like a purification, which is great, but it wiped me out!!! Fear, fear, fear and all the physiology it provokes and then strength, strength, strength and affirming Truth. I feltl burned and slightly energetically crispy! Chanting when I woke up has helped alleviate that feeling.

That chakra video I mentioned worked through each chakra with the respective frequency. Guess what I came to realize? The prickly energy is Obsidian! I thought it might be volcanic, but it isn’t. So, I’m sensing at least Lunar, Atmospheric and Obsidian. Possibly Oceanic and Solar. I’m unclear with Volcanic and Unknown still. But that’s pretty good in less than a week!

Want to learn more? Join the new Aka Dua Network on Facebook!

Dependency vs. Co-dependency

I recently heard that the energies we’ll be dealing with in this coming month (Feb. of ’17) relate to our issues with co-dependent tendencies. It made me curious to know more about how this may play out in my life. I’ve always been the reverse of the co-dependent. I’ve been fiercely independent…up until recently anyway when life decided to give me an opportunity to experience new levels of dependence as an expatriate.

I grew up in a home with two male alcoholics, so I am all too familiar with what co-dependency actually looks like. I’ve since spent my life rigorously defending myself from living out the self-sacrificing womanhood I was demonstrated growing up. But, I have the feeling that my thoughts on this topic are as outdated as the late John Bradshaw (sorry, John).

So, instead of indulge in a bunch of stuff that’s already been written elsewhere about the topic, I thought I would consult something that might give me a more up-to-date perspective…my Devas of Creation deck!

Before I share the results, I think it is necessary to at least define the relevant terms. So bear with me while I share the following three definitions. In everyone’s life, a tension plays out along the dependency continuum in the various realms of daily life…health, finances, work, friendships, etc. Whether it is you or the other displaying an aspect, it is helpful to have some awareness of the dynamics. If you want to know more, you’ll have to do a little research.

Dependency: the heart of any relationship. It is a human necessity to rely on and interact with others.

Co-dependency:  reliance on “other” to such an extent that one relinquishes inner authority and self-esteem to maintain the status quo of the relationship. It can also be needing the other to need us, to everyone’s detriment.

Interdependency: the formation of healthy partnerships and connections. It’s mutual benefit without one-sided sacrifice. Each person enters a symbiosis with the other to utilize one another’s strengths and resources but without losing self- sufficiency.

Now that that is out of the way, on to the reading.

I asked the deck for examples of healthy and unhealthy dependency. I shuffled, cut the deck twice, and selected three cards for each question. The results felt profound, at least to me.

What We Can and Should Rely Upon


We are dependent on the blueprint of life and its fundamental elements: space, water, earth, air, and fire. We belong to Spirit. We are, as the cliche goes, a spiritual being having a human experience. We cannot separate ourselves from this, no matter how vehemently we may try…or believe it to be that we are. In realizing this, we free ourselves from so much unnecessary suffering. It’s understanding that we are never not held by Spirit.

Mineral Kingdom:

Like the various minerals of the earth, we are dependent on certain conditions to be just so in order to allow our growth and development. Spirit is what provides everything we need in it’s time, not ours. And like the countless types of minerals that come from our earth, each of us is as unique, able to flourish when we know who and what we are. We are mistaken when we “try” to be anything other than what we are in the moment. We are dependent on the natural timing of evolution; it’s nothing we can force. And when we impose our structure upon others, we deprive ourselves of the gifts they came to provide us.


We are dependent on the perceptions and experiential phenomena of life that influences our emotions, the physical realms, and the elemental realms. As defined in the terms above, relationship and therefore dependency is necessary, but what Venus can teach us if we listen is that love is not personal. It is an impersonal force that is working upon us and in us constantly. Without it, our lives would be devoid of joy and the lightness of being. Love is what makes it all worthwhile, but our experience of it must come from inside rather than external sources. This is typical human confusion, to depend on love outside of ourselves.

What We Mistakenly Rely Upon


We are codependent with our sense of our physical self and physical reality as the ultimate reality. Yes, we are physical beings. We live in a 3D reality. But we are unhealthily attached to this being the only reality. We dismiss what can’t be seen or proven, often contrary to our own experience of it. This attachment to space and time results in a fear of death and loss. And as the definition of codependency states, we sacrifice a great deal of our power to the “almighty material”. We rely on material goods for our sense of worth, satisfaction, and comfort. We use it all as a measure of success only to discover we can’t take it with us the moment death arrives.


This continues and reasserts the theme of the spacetime card. Like the person who bears unresolved issues of codependency through overcompensation, proving how independent and useful they are, this card shows us how we fight what we know to be necessary to survive and thrive spiritually. As stated in spacetime, we identify with our riches and comforts (or lack of them). We alternate between our desire for the familiar and the novel, creating an inner desert by seeking everywhere but inside…where things are too unknown. Ironically, we each need to spend our time in the desert in order to overcome our ideas that there is anything lacking in life. Our co-dependency on “desert mentality” is the doorway to our interdependence with it.


Again, this card reiterates our codependency on the physical, on matter, on “the old physics”. We need to open our minds and embrace the power of thought to alter reality, of the placebo to heal, of waves to be particles, and of the unknown to hold unlimited potential. We are so codependent on the contracts we’ve signed to our constructs; they have become our prison. But our constructs have no more substance than dreams. Yet the way it’s been done is the way it has continued. Why are we creating the same things over and over again? Where is our creativity? The answer rests once more with Spirit, in the space between, the source of our inspiration, if we are brave enough to express that which it creates in us.


On Art: “Amulet” Oil Painting

This is an oil painting on MDF (medium-density fibreboard) rather than canvas. With several coats of gesso (a gluey-white paint mixture), it provides a very fine, smooth surface over which paint glides quite easily, which in this case made it easier for me to achieve the ribbon-like and underwater effects. It measures 102 x 35 cm.

Though I didn’t set out to do it, now that this is finished, it reminds me of the Nazar or “evil eye” amulet one often finds in Turkey or Greece. These amulets are believed to reflect the ill-intentions of others, protecting the person or household from which the eye looks out, seeing all. Though they can be found in different colors, I’ve always loved that deep cobalt shade of blue one traditionally expects.

One can scarcely tell for certain whether this charm is being pushed up from the bottom of the ocean floor by some force or wave, or whether it is floating to the bottom where it will lay buried in sand for all eternity. Either way, I hope that it may serve the same purpose as the Nazar, warding off evil and acting as a lucky charm wherever it hangs.

On Art: “K’uychi” Oil Painting

My latest abstract is titled K’uychi which is Quechuan for rainbow. Quechuan was the language of the Incan civilization (and before that, of the Chincha peoples of the area of Lima) and it is still spoken today in areas of Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia. I was fortunate to spend time in Peru several years ago, a land of so much color, so rich in Spirit, that it still inspires me.

The double rainbow is an auspicious symbol in many cultures. Here, I’ve created the effect of a double rainbow using a palette knife technique over a gentle wash of background colors.

There are Hopi and Navajo prophecies concerning the rainbow, as well as legends in Buddhist and Hindu mythologies. There is a promise held in these stories, links to the divine. Some of them tell of a family of beings who will live in peace with one another and in balance with all things. I hope this painting helps to channel the energy of that vision until it becomes reality.

On Art: “Elements of Dreams” Oil Painting

I was surprised recently to discover my favorite symbolist was on exhibit at the Bordeaux Galerie des Beaux Arts. They had some of Redon Odilon’s landscapes, which were lovely and unique enough, but some of his more “spiritual” works as well that I could have stared at for hours.

He seemed to always have a unique eye for color and light. I do wonder what it was that happened to him at some point in his painting career though; it’s clear he had some kind of awakening, to have been able to diverge so completely from the mundane.

He is quoted as having said, “My drawings inspire, and are not to be defined. They place us, as does music, in the ambiguous realm of the undetermined.”

Odilon and Klimt both inspired by latest work titled Elements of Dreams shown below.To view more of the beautiful works of Redon Odilon, please visit:

And if you’re in the Bordeaux area, he’ll be on exhibit through March.

On Art: “Canoe” Oil Painting

Late last year, in meditation, an unfamiliar word came to me. It sounded something like wakatewa. I had no idea what the word meant, at the time.

Intrigued, a quick Google search later revealed that the word is Maori and means ” war canoe“, spelled waka taua but spoken exactly as I’d heard it. It is an important word for the Maori who consider the waka taua to be sacred.

Once I knew what it meant, I fell in love with the symbol and started looking for signs of it in my daily life. It still came as a surprise, though, when one appeared in my latest painting which came about after coming across a quote from the late Carrie Fisher:

Take your broken heart and turn it into art.”

I took it as a challenge and decided to reach into the depth of my own history and feelings around a broken heart and turn it into something beautiful.

This expressionist piece is what resulted. I did not set out to paint a canoe or a solitary figure even. I choose my palette based on feeling and added paint to the canvas with nothing but emotion guiding me. I was so excited when I saw what was developing.

So, here it is. A broken heart made into art. I call it…surprise…Canoe.

I investigated the dream symbol meaning of “canoe” recently and discovered the following quote:

“Canoes require a lot of strength to maneuver, so in dreams they often show us something about our ability to handle our emotions. Because canoes are man-made, dreams that involve a canoe also show our ability to handle emotions which are inflicted by other people.”


So perhaps in turning my broken heart into a canoe, I was declaring my inner strength to be with that emotion and to sail into calmer waters. It’s a comforting thought.

Aka Dua: An Ancient Healing Energy

Today, I received my Level 1 Transmission of the Aka Dua energy of the Toltec. I’m so excited to be adding this energy to my healing repertoire!! It’s an amazing energy. It’s a completely natural fit for me having been deeply enmeshed with the Toltec since 2000, having met the more traditional requirements to receive the energy, ‘tho such requirements are no longer required by those wanting to be attuned.

Aka Dua is not well know…yet. I can’t remember how I came across it. Perhaps it came to me. When I experienced it for the first time online, from an angel on youtube in fact, I knew it was for me…or would be someday. Although in truth, I think I’ve already been supernaturally exposed to it on one particular journey I took several years ago to Teotihuacan in Mexico. There I received a download of sorts I’ve never been able to explain. Somehow, I feel the energies are related.

As a new initiate, I have a 14 day practice with the energy. I thought I would blog about my experiences since I want to journal about it anyway. So that’s what I’ll be doing…sharing my experiences and some background for you over the next 14 days. Maybe I won’t post every day, but I will make notes everyday and post them in a digest.

I’m not new to energy work. I’ve had two levels of Reiki and three levels of Reiki Tummo. For the last few years, I haven’t been able to feel much of the Reiki energy myself. I thought perhaps I needed a tune-up, which I received, but it seems I have just acclimated to it. I don’t mean to insult any Reiki practitioners out there! I’m not saying Reiki isn’t powerful or that some people perhaps aren’t able to take it further than I have, nor saying that I haven’t been accessing it on a regular basis with clients. I’ve certainly been using the symbols and tapping into it. But I’ve grown so used to it that has stopped giving me much feedback. Already, the Aka Dua is giving me a whole new experience and feedback for which I’m very grateful.


During the transmission, at first, I just felt warmth and tingling. We had a few technological challenges using Facebook chat to bridge California, where lineage holder Arlan Cage is, and France, where I am, but that didn’t affect the energy. It came through as a familiar warmth and tingling. Now it has become a prickly sensation, but it is  perfectly comfortable. I shared the energy with a friend who was able to feel it pulsing between our hands. He noted the prickling and felt the energy moving into his right leg. After sharing it with him, it seemed to strengthen in me and the prickly sensation hasn’t diminished.


Last night was interesting. I kept getting postcards in my dreams from the Aka Dua to help me integrate and understand the energies. There are 7 sub-frequencies to the Aka Dua: solar and solar jaguar, lunar, oceanic, volcanic, atmospheric, obsidian and unknown. The postcards I received were of oceanic and atmospheric images (and I think of lunar and volcanic also, but that is foggy) each encoded with information for my psyche.

This morning, my practice was done in the sunshine. As I focused my intention to cultivate the energy, I was washed over with a wave. Then the prickling grew. I also had a strange and very pinpointed sensation in my left pointer finger. It felt as if a spiral was winding or unwinding. I’m not sure which.

In meditation afterward, I was guided in how to approach a client with the energy. As I “rehearsed” what I learned in my mind’s eye, the energy once again grew for me, so I invited the angels in and asked them to receive it and send it wherever it was most needed.

If you’d like to know more about Aka Dua, join the new Aka Dua Network on Facebook!

Mirror Meditation: 12 Steps to Allowing and Nonattachment

As author Paolo Coelho writes, “If you’re afraid — don’t do it; if you decide to do it — don’t be afraid.” It’s great advice for anything, but especially applicable to mirror meditation. Mirrors get a bum rap, made notorious in horror films and touted as tools for narcissism or platforms for self-hatred. It’s unfortunate, because I have found mirror work to be a most powerful form of communion.

Vak Shuddhi: Cultivating Sound That Heals

Teacher Sadhguru shares the importance of sound, language, and speaking with intent:

“Whatever sound you need to utter, utter it in such a way that it is beneficial for you. And whatever is beneficial for you will naturally be beneficial for everyone around you. If a sound is doing wonderful things to you, it will definitely do the same things to everyone around you.”

“The Sanskrit language was consciously created so that just uttering the language will purify the system. But now, most of the time we speak languages which are no longer made like that, so it is best to handle it with intention…”

Why Trump? A Devas of Creation Card Reading

Last night, I decided to ask my Devas of Creation deck for some insight that might be helpful around the recent inauguration of Donald Trump. I asked three questions, shuffled the deck, and drew three cards. Here’s what resulted:

1st Question
Why is this playing out?

Card drawn: First Light

The First Light card is emergence and the dawning of new worlds. It is a revolution in thought because it helps open our eyes to what is possible; it is the flowering of awareness. Without the opening of first light, there would be no doorway into change, no new vistas to which we can aspire. Trump is certainly a call to what is possible because he has greatly disturbed well-entrenched energies in our government. He has drained the swamp, and now everything in the swamp is swimming around in plain sight. The veils have been lifted. So much is unsettled and many are in fear. But instead of fear, we can choose to see great opportunity. Sometimes it is only with a rude awakening and a crack on the stubborn head that one rises to new challenges.

2nd Question
What will the outcome be in four years time?

Card drawn: Eros

Eros is the Divine Masculine. Do you find it ironic that this card would appear in a reading about Trump? Realize that Trump is showing us contrast here. He is showing us exactly what needs to be healed in the masculine. This card is a reminder to reconnect inside with our inner divine masculine and source of strength. We are light bearers in whatever occupies our time. If we can harness a higher will within ourselves, overcoming our smallness and the fears that hold us back, we can not only manifest and become with more ease, but we will touch more lives as well. What is most important here is to be a representative of Ultimate Truth, to transcend the level of opinion, half-truths, propaganda, etc. If we can abide by the message of Eros, a world-changing healing of the masculine can take place during this presidency. Men and women can take their places as protectors and providers–of each other, our earth, and for our children.

3rd Question
What are the lessons we need to learn in that time?

Card drawn: Seed Void

The Seed Void is an “artery into a different reality”. It is deep space and mystery, what the Toltec would call “nagual”. Think of it as a well or birth canal connecting one dimension to another. It is the unseen aspects and new forces of nature that come into play. Fasten your seat belts, because this energy helps us to question our fear as well as our certainties about right and wrong, about “the other” and about ourselves. With courage, we can dismantle our false sense of self, an evolutionary necessity, and be born into a new level of trust. Indeed, this is a time to turn inward, to take back our projections, and to deal with our own shadow aspects. Those unwilling or unprepared to do the work will have an extremely hard time of it, and their resistance will cause trouble not only for themselves but for others. But if we open up and do the work, we may just find ourselves transported into a world that bears little to no resemblance to the one these others claim to live in. The opportunity to be free of the collective dream is there for those who dare to dream something new.

Dielle’s Healing Wizbits

Here I offer short and sweet soundbites that I’ve gleaned on my path, learned from clients, or picked up from others along my journey. May they serve as inspiration on your healing path…


So you want to know how to spot fake news and/or concepts? Here’s the primer.

1) Ask yourself, do I believe or want to believe or not want to believe this because of some unexamined or deep-seated, possibly even generational fear? If the answer is yes, do not go to step two. Do your work here because you cannot see clearly. Period. Even if you answer is no, do not go to step two. Your task is to develop enough personal power to begin discerning fact from fiction. Simply put, we don’t know what we don’t know and there is grave danger in that because herein lie the blindspots. In fact, you might even be reading this thinking, “What fears? I don’t have any fears” or “I’ve dealt with all my fears, thank you very much.” This doesn’t mean you have to let others tell you what to think, though. It means you’ll need to be comfortable in the recognition that you don’t know…which applies at every step anyway. When you can admit that you don’t know, proceed to step two.

2) Are you believing or wanting to believe or not something for purely or mostly egoic reasons such as wanting validation for your beliefs, wanting to be right, wanting to feel superior, etc? If there’s any of that energy operating, don’t go to step 3. Instead develop a meditation practice of some sort or other that allows you to recognize that part of you which never changes. Once you’ve gotten in touch with the silence and have built the muscle required to drop your certainties and thoughts that you “know”, you may progress to the next step.

3) Made it here? Congratulations because it is all about to get a lot easier assuming you’ve actually done the work of step 1 and 2. Now then, observe your body. Does the news in question “ring” with truth or not? If it pings, it is true enough. If not, it isn’t true or true enough…not yet and maybe not ever. Withhold any certainty until more information or contrary information is revealed. Trust that when you do hear the truth you will know the truth because the truth is who you are.

4) Practice. Practice. Practice.

This came to me last night after being asked the question how to tell anymore the difference between real and fake news. And let’s face it…so many of the experts trying to help us sort this out ARE fake news. So, it is the crisis of our day, to be sure. It was only after receiving these three steps that I realized they mirror the Toltec masteries of Awareness, Transformation, and Intent. The spiritual warriors who mastered their intent became “seers” or clear mirrors. This world is in dire need of more seers. We all need to do our part to become one.


Humans tend to complicate things. We like juicy stories with plot twists and long…and even better, neverending, lists of things to accomplish. We like creating sophisticated systems and putting our very large, unique John Hancock on things. But what is most important is so so simple and so very unpersonalizable. Every day, I am astounded at how much more simple it is to live and love, and how all the things I thought were important to me and my sense of self seem to just melt away in that ocean of simplicity. All the complication is just a pillar of salt floating in an ocean. It isn’t going to last long anyway so might as well get used to the idea of dissolving.


The fact is, anything that has your full faith has the potential to cure you. That’s the power of belief. There’s absolutely no harm (though many would argue otherwise) in placing your faith in any story you choose. We all do it…all the time!!! Ironically, many argue that one story has more validity than another…more scientific evidence, more historical basis, more whatever. The only thing a more widely held belief has is a stronger collective faith behind it. When you reclaim the power of your faith, you can place it in the most beautiful story YOU choose and say to hell with every naysayer. Am I condoning pie-in-the-sky alternative fact drivel? Hardly. The thing is, what is true doesn’t need anyone to believe it, and I’m not advocating the reinforcing of a denial system. But I am, however, recommending the cultivation of a delight in the fantastical realm of possibility.



Dielle’s Healing Wizbit: Did you know that 98% of our brain doesn’t even use language. That’s right. Language only uses 2% of our brain matter. But almost all of our time is spent stimulating this 2%…over and over, again and again. BORING!!! No wonder we keep repeating history and making the same mistakes.Wanna break out into the other 98%? Ah, now for that, you’re going to have to take some chances, face some fears, make some mistakes, and be willing to look a little crazy to everyone else. Up for it?


Have you all seen the movie Pleasantville? My thoughts today reminded me of that movie. I was considering how my recent habit of calling things “pasty-white” is so descriptive but misunderstood. People think I am referring to race or something. But what I’m truly referring to is a narrow and fixated state of mind upheld by fear and ignorance. The “pasty-white” minds are like the black and white people in Pleasantville; they are too easily misled and defend their limitations to the death, imposing those same limits on everyone else. I much prefer “people of color”. And again, here I can be misunderstood to be referring to a person’s race. But I don’t really care one jot what color someone’s skin is. The people of color to whom I am referring are the one’s whose hearts have been opened by the fires of their Truth and inner power, who know how to create beautiful things that celebrate and help not just themselves but all creation, and who aren’t afraid to radiate with all the colors of the rainbow, even in a room full of pasty-white mentalities. They are the people who were sent here to help you radiate with all that color too. But you have to let go of your shame, guilt, fear and resistance!!! You are rainbows, my dears! Not pasty-white shadows.


We can walk a very similar path to others, so much so that we fail to remember that the exact same situation can hold two very different lessons for two different people. One person may need to learn to leave, the other stay. One may need to learn to step up, the other step down. One may need to learn to open and the other set boundaries. It doesn’t mean we are getting it wrong…or that they are!!All this to say, sometimes advice is best left upspoken. We are most helpful when we give space to the other to come to his or her own realizations and are not projecting ours. And we help ourselves when we don’t compare our path to another’s.


I recently saw a post about the late BobRoss, public television’s famous art teacher. Someone told him they couldn’t paint because of colorblindness, so Bob painted a beautiful picture in black and white. It’s no different with voice. Someone might decide he can’t sing because he’s tone deaf. But there are people who sing in black and white and others who sing in color. The point is, everyone has a voice with which to create things of beauty and healing. Know your limitations but never exaggerate them.


There will be those in your life…family, friends, complete strangers…who just like to start something. Out of boredom, fear or suffering, they will strike out at you and offer you their poison. There are different stages to dealing with such challenges. At first, of course, we are prone to be sucked in, giving them exactly what they want…our energy. First, we must learn to set boundaries, especially with those we love. Sometimes, we have to spend less time with someone. We often have to learn how NOT to respond. After some time, we must learn to witness and take responsibility for our reactions in our interactions. As we watch ourselves, we learn to deflect the poison arrows that come at us. And when one lands, we clean up within ourselves the places that resonated and allowed us to become entangled. At some point, we may even be able to accept the poison out of love in a tantric act to alleviate the fear or suffering of other. That, of course, is pretty high level stuff. Aim high.


Is is true that most of us already know enough to be free. We simply don’t apply what we’ve learned. So we reach for the next book, the next guru, the next self-improvement workshop. We feed on intellectual stimulation and fail to integrate those ideas into action. How do we start to integrate what we’ve learned? Often by letting it all go. Be willing to empty out all that knowledge and let it be replaced with knowing.


Anything we bury or swallow, the things that would otherwise arise spontaneously in us, will eventually turn toxic to the body if we refuse to deal with them. What we press (be it through repression, oppression, depression…) becomes compacted and stagnant, making it harder and harder the next time to go with the flow. It becomes a lifelong game of chicken. How long can one avoid one’s truth in order to feel safe before disease strikes? The path to healing requires us to become warriors of our truest expression. No one said it was easy. It does however have an incredible payoff called liberation.


Today, I introduced sound healing meditation to a small group of yoga students. A few were familiar with what I offered. The others were not. The ones who were more familiar were able to really let go into it and later talk about what they felt describing the subtle sensations they had experienced. The ones for whom it was a new experience had more difficulty talking about it afterwards. Energy is like that. I remember the first time I was exposed to a gong bath. I didn’t know what to expect. I left that room feeling completely altered, but I had no idea what just happened. That night, I kept hearing the gong in my head all night long. Was it good? Was it neutral? Was it detrimental? It was the weirdest experience of my life at the time. Now, I’m used to the powers of sound to shift states and energy. All this to say, when it comes to energyhealing, we don’t always (and often can’t) understand or rationalize what we are experiencing. Fortunately for us, we don’t have to. The healing happens anyway. I can’t tell you the number of times people think nothing significant happened, until a week or so later, when they realize they no longer feel a certain ache or are no longer reacting to life in habitually ingrained ways, doing things they previously were afraid to do without a second thought.


I was working with a client yesterday, and we talked about how the body, loyal servant that it is, takes on our unprocessed emotions. While the body is certainly capable of helping us process emotion, through movement such as dance for example, it is not meant to be the warehouse of them!! If dis-ease is manifesting in the body, signaled by discomfort or even pain, it is a clear signal that the body is being asked to do more than its fair share. Time for us to own whatever it is we’ve been resisting and let the body know it isn’t responsible for storing and stuffing what we haven’t wanted to feel. Healing is a path of owning up!

The Artist Statement & Bio: Q&A

MonaLisaWhat’s the difference between a resume, a bio, and an artist statement?

Basically, your resume is a skeletal look at your training, background, education, accomplishments, etc. Reading a resume is like reading a phone book–boring! It serves a purpose, though–a very specific purpose…to get you that position or job. You want to include everything pertinent.

The bio, on the other hand, is a concise and well-constructed summary of things like education, influences, background, techniques, and overall message or artistic viewpoint, but it should be captivating and infused with your personality. This can also include where you are from, credentials, significant recognition… It’s the most basic facts about you as an artist. Include what you most want people to know.

It should be written in a flowing paragraph and be infused with your personality. A bio isn’t meant to explain your entire background and all the details. It’s impossible to do that in so few words and most bios run about 200 words or so. Instead, it should paint a picture. You get to choose how you say everything and/or whether to leave something out entirely.

The statement is a one page overview of your message as an artist, why you create what you do, your methods, your techniques, your influences, your inspiration. That sort of thing. It’s your story and your message. You have to read what you wrote and feel “Yes! That’s who I want to be!” with your statement. The clearer you can be with that message, the more likely people will want to engage because they sense and resonate with its integrity. The statement is your chance to really share your message with the world and explain who you are as an artist and what it is you want your art to say.

I don’t even know where to begin. Where do I start?

A great place to start is with some questions to help prime the pump of your creativity. What is your message? What makes you different? What are your achievements? I also highly recommend visiting other artist sites and having a read through their bios and statements. It will help you know what is possible, what you want to emulate, and more importantly, what you don’t! It might also be helpful to start a conversation with a friend and simply talk about who you are as an artist. Record the conversation or have him/her take notes you can refer to later when writing.

I tend to ramble when I write. How am I supposed to write something that’s only 250 words?!

If a person has a tendency to go on and on, the best place to start might be doing just that. Purge everything onto paper. Then go back in and find the highlights…circle the most important points and start narrowing and zeroing in. Learn the art of combining your sentences so you can say as much as possible with as few words as possible.

I’m concerned about coming across as big-headed or fake. It’s just so hard to toot my own horn!

Everyone I know who has ever had to write a bio had to overcome the feelings you’re talking about. It’s a rite of passage! We have to get over the idea that we are shameless promoters when we share our gifts. That construct has got to go! Unless you can afford to hire a crackerjack publicist who’ll talk you up, you’ve got to learn to do it yourself. Don’t be afraid to own your amazing and unique talents and proudly share them. No one ever got anywhere from hiding their light. Writing your bio in 3rd person would be a good way for you to break through this block. In fact, as a writing exercise, you might even try going purposefully overboard with the self-aggrandizement just to get that fear out of your system (or the opposite…write a pitiful paragraph about how much you suck compared to others and then consider if even you would want to buy your own art!). The fact is, we have to self-promote. We have to believe in ourselves.

What’s 3rd person?

Writing in 3rd person is writing your bio as if someone else was writing it. You don’t refer to yourself as “I”. You use your name…Joe Smith was born with a paintbrush in his mouth…  I recommend artists have a 3rd person bio and a 1st person bio (in which you do refer to yourself…I was born with a paintbrush in my mouth…) because you’ll find different uses for each. I have a 1st person, a 3rd person, a 50, 100 and 200 length bio at the ready at all times, and even these I have to adjust to fit every occasion.

What are some bio don’ts?

Don’t get complicated and wordy. Too much information is just going to overwhelm your reader. Here’s a great article by Phil Johnson on some don’ts.

My background is all over the place, and I’ve only been painting for a little while. How do I write a bio?

Don’t sweat your former jobs as a waitress or gas station attendant. And don’t worry if you haven’t had a dozen exhibitions or awards. These things are not essential ingredients. Don’t see a diverse background as a liability; they can actually inform your art and inspire your artistic eye. You can really use your unique life experience to pull your audience in.

What makes a good bio or good artist statement?

Keep things to the point, combine your sentences to say more with fewer words, get constructive feedback, check for grammar and spelling, keep track of where you’ve posted or shared your statements in case you need to update them, and have several versions and lengths at your disposal for different purposes. Remember, the bio is factual but personable. The statement can be more flowery and poetic (but not too much).

What makes an effective artist statement is that it fits its purpose. The statement on your website might be different than the statement you use at an exhibition which might be different than one you use when entering a competition. They’ll all have common root elements, of course: your message, who you are as an artist.

Keep your statement to one page. Any more than that and you risk pontificating and losing some if not all of your audience in this day and age of soundbites and short attention spans. The thing is, make that one page SING. I abhor confusing language and things that try too hard to sound important or intellectual. It’s far better to write from the heart and clarify/distill your message as an artist.

Overall, with both the bio and statement, the message is what matters. Words are our power to influence and open minds. They are our means to say what is truly important. If you focus on that and let the rules and contradictory suggestions go, you’re going to have something special.

Any final tips?

Before you post, print or send your bio or statement anywhere, have someone (or several someones) read it, fellow artists if possible. Friends can be helpful but sometimes, they are overly positive and love everything. Find people who can lend a constructively critical eye.

Remember, you may have written something interesting, but if it is full of misspelled words or run-on sentences, it’s not going to make the impression you were hoping for. So always proof your work.

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