Tag: mirrors

The Mirror Meditation Project

The Mirror Meditation Project
Level 1 Foundational Training is Here. And it’s free!

“I love mirrors. They let one pass through the surface of things.” ~Claude Chabrol

Mirror meditation makes use of the mirror as a meditation aid to increase one’s concentration, open one’s perception, and deepen one’s meditative state. The first and only training of its kind, this introduction to Mirror Meditation is about genuine self-transformation and realization. You’ll learn foundational theory and important concepts to developing a successful practice and have access to written and guided video meditations to acquaint and deepen your experience with this amazing path and prepare you for more advanced trainings.

Learn more about Mirror Meditation.

Register on DivineMeTime Learning.

Carl Jung

“He who looks in the mirror of the water, first sees his own image. He who looks at himself, risks to meet himself. The mirror does not flatter, it shows accurately what is reflected in it, namely that face that we never show the world because we hide it by the persona, the mask of the actor. This is the first test of courage on the inner path, a test, which is enough to frighten most people, because the encounter with oneself belongs to those unpleasant things, one avoids as long as one can project the negative onto the environment.”

Carl Jung

Intuitive Understanding Blog Tour

Hello and welcome to what is my first dip back into the pool of book promotion since wandering the globe dazed and confused for the past year as I sorted out an international marriage, ill-timed with the release of my 2nd book. New York Times Notable Novelist, Peggy Payne, author of Sister India, Revelation, and Cobalt Blue, has offered me the perfect excuse to jump back in with an invitation to participate in a blog tour: On Intuitive Understanding. So…

1) What Am I Working On? 

At the moment, my sanity! I had a new friend recently comment that if my life was a movie, no one would believe it. I’ve been blogging about it on International Daze, and I rather think it will make a good book one day. But as I am still in the midst of the story, the best I can do is record the important parts as they happen and hope they all come together in a surprising (and dare I hope, effortless?) way down the line.

I’ve also been writing content which is all about my fascination with mirrors. Mirror Meditation is a powerful tool that I’ve been working with for years, and while both of my books introduce teasing elements of that, it is the whole focus of Mirror Spiritus and the evolution of my work.

2) How does my work differ from others of its genre?

I’ve written fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and blogs. I just like words, ya know? I’m a bit of a genre-crosser in that regard. The Unknown Mother, for example, was a hybrid between visionary fiction and nonfiction. Both of my books are not on topics that the general population know anything about, so there isn’t a lot out there for me to claim to be different than.

The Unknown Mother: A Magical Walk with the Goddess of Sound

The Unknown Mother: A Magical Walk with the Goddess of Sound Book

3) How does my writing process work?

Generally, I write intuitively. I can’t command myself to produce. Either the muse takes me or she doesn’t. Although, I have to say, with Mirror Spiritus, I am learning to write on command because much of the initial content has been more fact-based on topics like mirror superstition, mirrors in Feng Shui, and the upcoming Hall of Mirrors at Versailles.

4)  Why Do I Write What I Do?

Well, with the first book, the fictional The Unknown Mother, I wrote to share information I’d been given on my path exploring sound healing in an accessible, entertaining way. I wanted to hook people outside the sound healing world with the amazing power of sound because I truly believe (and have experienced that) it has the potential to change lives.

With the nonfiction Your True Voice, it was about application. I wanted to take a more practical and useful approach with the same information to help readers take it further with a practice of their own.

These days, I write whatever I feel like writing. I’ll guest blog here or there, work on my websites, or work on a “tucked away” project. To answer the question another way, I write to understand, I think. I write to process aspects of my own life and everything I’m learning with the hopes it benefits or inspires someone else.




Other fabulous authors on the Intuitive Understanding tour:

Kelley Harrell, author Teen Spirit Guide to Modern Shamanism

Sheri Bessi, author  Dear Human~ Letters to Humanity

Maria Salomao Schmidt

Caroline Zani author of Piper, Once and Again


Claude Chabrol

“I love mirrors. They let one pass through the surface of things.”

~Claude Chabrol

Mirrors in Feng Shui

There is an art to using Mirrors in Feng Shui and for good reason. They reflect the beauty around you (assuming you are indeed surrounded by beauty), put eyes in the back of your head (I loved my over-the-stove mirror that let me see what was happening behind me in my kitchen), and magnify the light, pushing or pulling chi. They have a reputation of being a cure-all, but as you’ll see from this blog, there are right ways and wrong ways to use mirrors inside your home.

We don’t often pay attention to what the mirrors in our homes are reflecting. Mirrors are typically meant to serve either a functional or simply decorative purpose, perhaps making a small room feel larger. But when we become more conscious of how we are using our mirrors, maybe some of that good-old Feng Shui luck and prosperity can come our way. If we don’t, we may end up with bad Feng Shui and bad luck! I remember looking at an apartment once. As soon as I opened the door, I suffered the shock of someone standing right at the door as I entered. Even if it was only my reflection, it made me jump. Not a good mirror placement and for more than one reason!

Mirrors have fascinating qualities, not just expanding a room, as this blog reveals. They carry water energy and can help us stay in the flow. They can help us awaken and access our creativity, and they can repel the “bad energies” that come at us from all directions. But it isn’t just where the mirror is placed. There is also the consideration of the quality and condition of the mirror to ponder. Is it dirty, cracked, peeling? Such conditions can create or magnify problems for us.

Finally, one should also think about how a mirror is hung. Is it too high? Too low? Google some tips on hanging your mirrors according to “good Feng Shui” and for optimum effect.

Have you found a really cool way to use a mirror in your own home or life?




What We Love on Pinterest & Why

Images are powerful. They can change our thought patterns and altar our mood instantly. Why not feast your eyes on images you love every day? Mirror Spiritus maintains a Pinterest profile, and we invite you to join us there. Unlike other social media sites, Pinterest has the visual advantage of accessible beauty and inspiration. It’s so full of colorful eye candy, and you can personalize it!

Some of the boards we at Mirror Spiritus feature on Pinterest are:

Mirrors:  Well, of course! We’ve collected some amazingly beautiful antique and artsy mirrors of all shapes and sizes. They are seriously breathtaking, and man oh man, would we love to sit in mirror meditation in front of some of these babies or have one as the centerpiece on our mirror altar.

The Great Mystery: In case you hadn’t noticed, Mirror Spiritus is very inspired by light in space. So this board features some striking images from Hubble and other sources that leave one’s mouth agape. The Great Mystery isn’t “out there.” Take a peek at these images and remember not only who you are but where you’re returning.

Shisha Embroidery: Dielle recently wrong a blog about Shisha embroidery which is the art/craft of sewing reflective objects into fabrics. You can see some delightful and colorful samples here.

Chandeliers: Mirror Spiritus is all about bringing more light & beauty into the world. Check out these absolutely gorgeous and extravagant chandeliers that do so quite literally. The lines, the colors, the radiance! YUMMMY!

Stuart Davies Landscapes: We are grateful to our first official blog sponsor, Stuart Davies Art, and enjoy showing off his rich and masterful landscapes. Stuart shares Mirror Spiritus’ love of beauty and light. In fact, he spent much of his life seeking out the perfect light by which to paint. He found it in France. Please visit his website and buy something beautiful for yourself.

The Light Sanctuary: Breathtaking art and other images that heal us through our eyes with the light they exude. This board is like a sanctuary, a retreat from a stress-filled day.

So  stop on by and take a look around. If you have a Pinterest profile, follow us there. Thanks!


Shisha Embroidery

Did you know? Shisha embroidery is the craft of sewing tiny mirroring objects to fabric. It originated in 17th century India (supposedly with the wife of Shah Jehan who built the Taj Mahal in her honor) eventually spreading throughout Asia and the Middle East. Interestingly, Native Americans are also known to have used mirrors to decorate their dress supposedly seeing them as symbols of wealth and prestige (though Mirror Spiritus has a much more spiritual theory on their usage by tribal cultures). Whether sewn on clothing or into domestic fabrics such as tablecloths and hangings, shisha is used in some cultures to throw off the “evil eye”, whether this was believed to happen because it reflected the evil away or because it dazzled and distracted, one cannot say. Mirror Spiritus finds shisha a delightful means of bringing more light into our world. (And the “evil eye” protection can’t hurt!)

The mirrors most often represent the center of flowers or the eyes of animals. In wall hangings, they sometimes represent the ears of the Sun God or the breasts of Radha, so they aren’t random decoration traditionally. The video above demonstrates (in a rather meditative fashion) how the mirrors are affixed to fabric.

For those of you who have never had the privilege of seeing the Native American “Jingle Dance” live, take a look at this video. Though it is not related to Shisha in an obvious way, Mirror Spiritus would speculate that the numerous rows of shiny metal bells perform a similar function…to bring in more light and cast out darkness. What do you think?

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