Edgar Cayce Sound Healer ?“Know All Healing Forces Are Within, Not Without”

~Edgar Cayce

Known as the sleeping prophet, Edgar Cayce, was a highly psychic individual in the late 18 and early 1900’s. I have known about Cayce for sometime, though my knowledge is limited. For example, I owe my caster oil pack practice and rose water and glycerine spray to him and his healing visions.

But I just recently learned that Cayce was also aware of the power of sound as a healing tool. He taught that one could harmonize with the creative energy within through chanting i-e-o-u-e-i-o-umh. He taught us that chant was a means of experiencing an inner reality of color, harmony and emotion. He understood that music had the power to renew us from deep within. I was so excited to discover his teachings on sound and hope to find out more.

Cayce said that our bodies are “the temple of the Living God”. Yes! We are indeed resonance chambers that resound with the sounds of our life. Do we pollute our temple and neglect it, or do we honor it as Holy and respect it?

Toning, whether by yourself or in a group, is a superb way to not only acknowledge and connect with your temple, but to commune with the creative energy there, enhancing and raising your own personal vibration.


About the Author:

Beth Ciesco is your Selfcare Specialist, a certified yoga teacher and meditation facilitator. Check out the rest of the website to learn more about Restorative Healing YogaMirror MeditationE-Motion Alchemy, and Voicework as capital S Selfcare tools. You can also follow her on these sites:

❤ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/divinemetime/
❤ Insight Timer: https://insighttimer.com/tranquilliving
❤ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@DivineMeTime