Tag: voice of fear

Day 10: Coming to Terms

An ongoing personal exploration of Divine Guidance and distinguishing between the voice of fear and the voice of love reflecting on the article, How to Distinguish Between Divine Guidance and Fear/Ego/Imagination, on Sir Froggie’s PositiveNews Network .

Today’s pairing is:

Divine Guidance works within the realm of what you know you can do.
Ego throws the seemingly impossible at you and sets conditions you know you cannot meet.

10 days ago, I was so sure this was a good idea. It may still be, but honestly, I just feel more confused than ever. And I wonder if the premise of my explorations is at fault. Perhaps I failed to define the terms from the very beginning…but then, the whole point of doing this was to come to a better understanding of the terms!

I feel the need to reiterate my earlier declarations that I’m not into ego-bashing. We absolutely need ego to not only survive, but thrive in this three dimensional reality. What this daily meditation has clarified for me then is that there are two sides to the ego…the harsh, judgmental, sabotaging side and the loving, hopeful, encouraging side which I’ve called the voice of fear and the voice of love.

Divine guidance then, is something beyond these voices. And herein lies my quandary; I don’t think the author of the pairings I’ve been using had drawn this same distinction.

But maybe it doesn’t ultimately matter. It’s all making me think and question what I think I know or knew.

For example, until recently, I’ve been a very strong proponent for the “we create our reality” movement. But lately, I am more of the “we create the perception of our reality” persuasion…which I know will drive many people I know absolutely crazy. Which makes me think, maybe we’re all here for different lessons. Maybe some of us need to learn about directing everything and manifesting the ideal life and some of us are here to let go, let go, let go. Maybe we go back and forth.

Day 2: The Voice of Love in a World of Fear

Yesterday, I started a personal exploration of Divine Guidance and distinguishing between the voice of fear and the voice of love. My inspiration came from the article, How to Distinguish Between Divine Guidance and Fear/Ego/Imagination, on Sir Froggie’s PositiveNews Network. In it, the author shares 36 descriptors to help us realize the differences between the voices of love and fear. I am taking one pairing each day, meditating and working with it, and then sharing my discoveries here.

Today’s pairing is:

Divine Guidance will always lift you up, and leave you feeling empowered.
DIS-empowers you.

Lately, I’ve been feeling disempowered by bureaucracy. Bureaucracy reflects so well the voices of fear, ego, and perhaps lack of rather than  imagination itself. I’ve been up against so many walls as of late and told, “That’s just he way it is,” or “Sorry, there’s nothing we can do.” And if I’m not careful, I swallow and internalize those voices until they become my own telling me a situation is impossible and leading me down a road of “my only option” instead of “my best option.” Everything becomes fixed and inflexible.

What does it mean to me to be empowered? It means I am open to discovering new options and that I can make choices toward happiness rather than “this is the best we can do.” It means, in the blink of an eye, I can change my perspective and see the world differently. It means that I can remember I may be in this world and subject to its insanity at the moment, but that I am not ultimately of this world nor subject to react to it in a way that keeps me from being content. Besides, I have, at my disposal, The Great Unknown.


About the Author:

Beth Ciesco is your Selfcare Specialist, a certified yoga teacher and meditation facilitator. Check out the rest of the website to learn more about Restorative Healing YogaMirror MeditationE-Motion Alchemy, and Voicework as capital S Selfcare tools. You can also follow her on these sites:

❤ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/divinemetime/
❤ Insight Timer: https://insighttimer.com/tranquilliving
❤ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@DivineMeTime

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