I am another you. You are another me. Though we appear to be completely separate and unique (which we are), we are One and the Same. I have been walking the healing path for over 20 years. I’m here to support you on yours.
Training & Background
Everything is energy. I work with it consciously with breath, movement, meditation and in healing. My life’s work has less to do with this apparent reality (though it impacts this reality) and everything to do with creating and maintaining a light field for the highest most gracious energies of our Higher Selves to work their magic on all the levels of our multidimensional being (which definitely impacts this reality).
If you like ancient history, here is a bit of mine:
BS Ed from University of New Mexico
MA from University of New Mexico
Yoga & Chi Gong Certification

I am a Sovereign Certified Yoga Teacher and as of October 2021, my teacher training includes: 200 Hour YTT; over 410 Additional Training Hours including but not limited to Meditation (see below), Chair Yoga (Cassandra Reinhardt & Others), Restorative Yoga (Therapeutic Yoga, Satya Greenstone & Others), Energy Work (see below), Enviro-Somatics (Marc J. Aquaviva), Grief Movement Training (Paul Dennison), Yoga Nidra (Nada Yoga School), Kriya Yoga (see below) & Pranayama (Michael Bijker & Others); 600+ Private and Studio Teaching Hours.

Tibetan Bon Buddhism
Ngondro Transmission from Lama Khyimsar Rinpoche 2004
Lessons in Meditation, Art & Science of Raja Yoga, Discipleship, and Kriya Preparation courses with Ananda 2019
Kriya Yoga received from Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath 2019
Initiation into Zen (Kanshoji Monastery) 2022
Founder The Mirror Meditation Project
Shamanism & Sacred Sound
Initiations into Peruvian, Toltec and Bon Shamanism
12 Years of Toltec Studies including 2.5 Years Dreaming
Tribute to My Lineages
Founder and developer of Toning for Peace and Vocal Toning Meditation and Transformational Voicework, writing two books on the topic, The Unknown Mother: A magical Walk with the Goddess of Sound and Your True Voice: Tools to Embrace A Fully Expressed Life.

Energy Work Activations
Aka Dua Levels 1 & 2
Reiki Levels 1 & 2
Open Heart Levels 1 & 2
Reiki Tummo Levels 1, 2, 2A
“Thank you so much for every class I’ve ever taken of yours! Each one has helped me on this part of my journey and I am grateful. I began taking…classes to help me work through the grief of my husbands passing. Now I find it seems my heart is ready to work through past childhood abuses. Its hard and confusing work but your classes are an important part of this healing process. Thank you for using your gifts to help me and so many others❤”
Karla Gillean, USA
“I enjoyed the process and the results of our restorative session very much. My body felt less tense when I went to bed and I moved more fluidly during my stretch workout this a.m. ”
Wendy Monroe, USA
“I have just completed Beth’s yoga course for absolute beginners. This was pitched at exactly the right level and pace in a calm non judgemental style. I appreciated the clear explanations and how the different positions could be adapted according to ones physical capabilities. Highly recommended.”
Iain Boatman, France
“Beth took on two people in their early 70s, one a Yoga dabbler over the years and one a Yoga novice. From the first session we knew we had chosen the right activity and, above all, the right teacher to give us what we needed.”
Sue Kirkham, France
“The sessions are really professional, well planned and enjoyable. The exercises are mindful, slowly stretching muscles and moving joints and energy, and as I have a lot of arthritis and stiffness in my muscles and joints this really works well for me. I leave feeling deeply relaxed in mind, body and spirit!”
Liz Bell, France
“En quelques séances, Beth m’a fait découvrir des aspects inconnus de ma voix, que je pensais pourtat bien connaitre, en tant que chanteur professionnel. J’ai pu y entendre des murmures, des plaintes, des cris déchirants, proférés par des ancêtres dont le nom a été oublié. Et puis des harmonies douces et des louanges que je ne me connaissais pas.
“In a couple of sessions, Beth made me discover unknown aspects of my voice, which I thought I perfectly knew, being a professional singer. I could hear in it whispers, moans and groans, and heart rending screams coming from ancestors whose names remain in oblivion. And also sweet harmonies and praising songs I did not know I knew.”
Zedvan Traumat, France
“Her process and technique are deep and profound. And she is clear as a bell in her explanations, using simple direct exercises that help you release and move your voice/self into new places, expanding your range. As with the gaze, the voice is also another window into the soul, and we are constantly responding intuitively to the voices around us.”
Ra Martin, France
“I visualize Beth as a wise woman of the world, carrying many bags, each of them having a different shape, texture, color. In each bag there is a secret ingredient, a technique, a song, a movement, a mantra. She opens the appropriate bag at the right time to pull out its magical wonder.”
MayaJoelle Aubry, USA
“I feel I’ve rediscovered the shaman inside and regained my power. How beautiful is that! Your workshop was a great part in this. Thanks so much!”
F.M., Geneva
“My experience with what you had me do really made me confront some deep things that many of the other healing modalities I have done never brought me too so quickly. It was intense in a way I never expected and as you said we only scratched the surface. Thank you for your patience and compassion as well.”
Craig Potter, USA
“Being in your group last week was the most delicious healing that I have ever felt! It was challenging for sure, but delicious because of how I felt afterwards, and still I am carrying around the feeling of nurturing you provided to me that special evening. I know now that I am worth being nurtured. I know I can trust the Universe to bring me where I need to be, both physically and emotionally, as long as I let my fear go…”
Lisa D’Angelo Guillory
“I cannot express to you how much I needed this workshop and how much I got out of it! I’m spending this whole day writing down what came up for me in that empowering journey. I was deeply moved! Fear of the unknown (and monkey chatter voices in my head) was beginning to take me into a place of terror. Thank you – thank you for facilitating this deeply healing circle. And thanks to all the members of the workshop! I felt connected and at peace when I left!”
Sue Hibbits, Asheville
“The tears that come are from feeling that oneness with all that is in the cosmos. I feel out of body, caught up in the heavens-in space, my spirit free traveling about, time out of thought, joining the angelic entities, feeling their essence-that of love!! Thank you.”
Michael De Piazza, Sequim, WA
“As I continue to practice the vocal and toning exercises and explore what I’m learning, I feel like my whole being/essence is releasing old energetic patterns/ thought forms and beginning to resonate at a new frequency. This process is simultaneously exciting, accelerated/high powered, grounding, expansive and transforming. At times my brain feels like it is filtering and organizing volumes of new concepts while my body is experiencing a sense of lightness and new sensations. As a result, I sometimes find I am able to most clearly articulate/express how these changes are affecting me through authentic movement and artwork.”
Alexa Ingersoll, Certification Program Participant
“I found Beth’s workshop to be effective, powerful, and transformative. She is well trained, highly intuitive and has a palpable “shamanic” strength backing her up. I was surprised – and grateful. Besides that she’s fun! and down to earth. I recommend highly.”
Marston Blow, Asheville Artist
” From the first moment I heard Beth’s voice in the dome of the Light Center, I began having a deep experience that transcends words. Joyful sounds doesn’t cover it. You have to hear this in her and yourself. Singing in the shower will never be the same. Thank God ! ”
Scott Arthur, Black Mountain
“…Beth is the Real Thing. She used her own incredible voice, bells and hand crafted sound makers at different times in the session. Tightness and knots and other indescribable things in different areas of my body were released. There is a kindness, compassion and acceptance that she imparts that let me go deeper and deeper into a meditative state. I know it helped me and right now I get a little teary-eyed just thinking about it because it was so wonderful.”
Brooke Maroldi, Writer and Documentary Film Maker
“You’ve given me the best “food for thought.” Just knowing that it’s all good, and that there’s a lot going on, and that it doesn’t have to be like the image of a giant praying mantis that’s ripping my head off and sucking out my insides… I can breathe. As ever and always, thank you for being there!”
Aine Hall, Cane Beds, AZ
“…nothing less than completely Transformative… I literally felt myself becoming the human vessel to chant Spirit’s voice. It was amazing, powerful, and completely life enhancing. I have great respect and deep appreciation for the healing work that Beth offers.”
Rain Hummingbird, Animal Communicator, Asheville, NC
“Toning with Beth was an awesome experience for me. I found new depths in my voice and harmonic resonance with the beautiful souls around me.”
M. Mauldin, Asheville, NC
“Beth is clear and compassionate, but most of all fully present. Her calm and genuine teaching style makes it comfortable to open up.”
Damaris Pierce, artist and creativity coach, Asheville NC
“Beth is a deep insightful human being who can guide those who seek direction, spiritually and depth. Her vocal ability is on another level and anyone who is in need of centering should absorb and digest her innate gifts.”
Kenneth Hope
Lineage & Life Lessons
My dear Sangha brother Laughing Shadow wrote a song about words, church, parents and governments not teaching us how to be free. I was blessed to have many teachers who pointed the way. Here I share a reflection both of the things I’ve needed to learn on my own journey and as a loving tribute to those who were able to provide me the chance to accept what was within me. I searched myself for the essence of what I received from each, but truth be told, in each case, it was far more than could ever be summarized. Thus, here is my “lineage”:
don Miguel Ruiz
Thank you for showing me the power of faith. I know that energy is the glue that holds the dream together. It makes miracles possible. It can create either heaven or hell. Thanks to you, I know I have a choice, at least in all the ways I have thus far reclaimed my faith.
Thank you for teaching me the lesson of openness. I will never forget the encounters that were more like miraculous blessing when I held absolutely no expectations in your unbelievably encompassing presence.
Thank you for giving me the gift of dreaming. Though I didn’t learn dreaming with you, I am so grateful to you for proliferating the teachings among your students so that they in turn could teach me the incredible beauty and power in “rowing gently down the stream”.
Dr. Gene Nathan
Thank you for showing me the power of generosity, for you were always so generous with me, when I needed it most, and when I needed to be reminded that generosity existed…even in me.
Thank you for teaching me the lesson of trust. There was never anyone in my life who I trusted more than you. That was an incredible gift for as long as it was the right gift. And then I learned that I had to trust myself even more.
Thank you for giving me the gift of healing. You not only helped me heal in very deep ways, you also turned on all the dormant powers within me in order to recognize myself as a healer and to fearlessly share that gift.
Francis Hayhurst
Thank you for giving me the power of magic. Your dream, the way you see the world, is where all things retain their miraculous, mysterious wonder. Now I remember to remind my eyes to see the same.
Thank you for teaching me the lesson of self-inflicted suffering. I will never forget the day you said, “Stop using me to hurt yourself.” It took me a while to figure that one out, but it eventually transformed many relationships.
Thank you for granting me the gift of small gestures. I will forever be grateful for the many small acts of compassion towards me and for the attention when I felt (or wanted to be) invisible. These acts compounded, fed a wounded child with a sense of security and worth.
Raven Smith
Thank you for showing me the power of heart as we stood facing the sun that day on the way home from The Garden of the Goddess. You helped me find my lion’s roar.
Thank you for teaching me the lesson of letting go gracefully, though perhaps you weren’t the one to be on the receiving end of my having learned it.
Thank you for giving me the gift of staying with the discomforts and pains, for showing me how to be bigger than they, and for helping me to learn release them.
Gini Gentry
Thank you for showing me power of self-love. You helped me own my projections and have far less interest in the projection of others.
Thank you for teaching me the lesson of victimhood and the freedom that can come with it. Because of you, I learned to rewrite my stories.
Thank you for giving me the gift of sacred sanctuary there at the Garden of the Goddess.
Gary Van Warmerdam
Thank you for showing me the power of happiness. Your laugh is one I still hear in my head…something about the joy of cleaning bathrooms.
Thank you for teaching me all the basics of the path…from the medicine bag to the book of death, from the mitote to the power journey. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have taken some of the most important journeys of my life.
Thank you for giving me the gift of the possible. You initiated me into the Toltec dream and therefore will always be remembered as the first one who helped me walk through the doorway into a completely different life (which has happened many times since).
Heather Ash Amara
Thank you for showing me the power of ritual and sacred space, the elements and chakras, the tarot and our masks.
Thank you for teaching me the lesson of jealousy. The agony led to discovery of an inner source of strength and gifts all my own.
Thank you for giving me the gift of “holding space”. So much of my ability to hold space for both myself and others is a direct result of having spent time with you. Because of you, I do not fear my feelings or the feelings of others.
Thank you for showing me the power of I AM, for revealing so simply and directly the Truth of being, dispelling so many misunderstandings and misinterpretations.
Thank you for showing me the lesson of arrogance and the ways I hold myself as more important than others, my quest more urgent, my realizations “better”. May I always vibrate with humility.
Thank you for giving me the gift of self-inquiry which is the key to the door that opens out into everything and nothing. Your pointings have been with me for years now, day in, day out, even during sleep. I don’t know where I would be without you.
Mitch Nur
Thank you for showing me the power of sound. That first gong experience with Matri forever changed my DNA and set my course when I had none.
Thank you for teaching me the lesson of discipline. Chanting several hundred thousands of mantras day in and day out when at that same crossroads in my life propelled me forward effortlessly. That’s when discipline became effortless.
Thank you for giving me the gift of synchronicity. If it weren’t for you, I would never have received Ngondro, I wouldn’t have lived 10 years of my life in Asheville, and I wouldn’t ever have called myself Dielle.
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
I only met you once, but I have learned so much from you due to your generous nature, in your books, in your Tibetan Sound Healing practices, and now in your Cyber Sangha. You are a gift that has simplified meditation into Stillness, Silence, and Spaciousness.
Still Flowing Yoga
I consider myself so fortunate to have completed my 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training with Still Flowing. I’ve no doubt had I done any other training, I would still be doing things with my body that would have eventually led to serious injury. Your slow, somatic approach has instead led to healing on the deepest possible levels.
In 2019, the gentle hand of Paramhansa Yogananda reached down for me. I was smart enough to take it! I learned the greatest gifts of all and the true meaning and power of delight, attunement, magnestism, being, devotion, intuition, humility, determination, and bliss. Your Scientific Healing Affirmations have become part of my very fiber.
Guru Nanak
What a blissful field of untold treasures you created in writing Japji, the most perfect prayer. Words cannot describe its power and influence on every cell of my being. How do I thank you?
Cheyenne Maloney
Cheyenne used a little ‘clacker head’ toy to teach the most profound teachings. She opened my eyes to a trap at a time when I thought that I understood the mastery of awareness. She helped me to realize that in fact, at the time, I didn’t have awareness, awareness had me. It was a mind-blowing moment of freedom. Thank you for that critical piece.
Zacciah Blackburn & Dorothy Stone
Two such beautiful beings who shine with an inspirational integrity and encouraged me (and everyone they work with) to step up and step into our God-given power by sharing the practices they’ve picked up along their own paths through sound and healing. It was through one of their sessions that my root teacher, Guru Nanak, came to me and stayed.
Ah, my dear teacher of emptiness. I am so grateful for the gifts you’ve given me of like-minded souls on this path of wonder and challenge. With you, I have experienced the deepest, most profound of meditations and felt the shakti pouring into this vessel. Your way with words and an endless array of wisdom teachings continues to mystify and inspire me. Thank you for your willingness to express the most difficult of truths at a time when so much confusion reigns.
There were many other teachers too, with powers, lessons and gifts no more or less significant, but perhaps more so byproducts of working with those above. To you also, I say thank you. Some I worked with personally, receiving initiations and activations, and others I never met in person, but all have deeply and profoundly impacted me nonetheless by their writings and trainings: Adyashanti, Rupert Spira, the late Alan Hardman, Oksana Yufa, Paulo Coelho, Richard Bach, Eckart Tolle, Lama Khemsar, Yogiraj Gurnath, Ravi Singh & Ana Brett, Hazrat Inayat Khan, Beautiful Painted Arrow, Irman Effendi, Dr. Sha, Panache Desai, Arlan Cage, Ram Das…I wish I could name you all.
Now, now may I more fully embody everything I received from each of you. May every moment of my life be a testament of everything you ever offered out of your love. And may I be so fortunate so as to guide anyone who crosses my path into their own powers, lessons and gifts.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.