You’re invited to be part of a loving, uplifting, committed team of healers and lightworkers from all over the world working together to lay high-frequency foundations….
We just celebrated our 1 year anniversary! Whether you are a healer or in need of healing, you are invited to participate in a very special weekly event for free on the free Insight Timer app Sundays at 8:15 AM EST/2:15 PM CET. It’s a warm and open-hearted space. Learn why our weekly Energy Healing Cooperative Live event is my favorite part of the week!
Listen to your invitation now.
The Energy Healing Cooperative works uniquely in several ways.
Healers who show up direct their frequency of energy to our morphogenic field where it can mingle, merge, broaden and become more intelligent and powerful. There’s a balancing synergy and a exponential magnification in our cooperation. This supraintelligence is what delivers the goods wherever they are most needed, taking personal expectation and the healer-ego out of the equation. Every drop of energy is channeled into pure faith for the highest good.
What the heck is a morphongenic field?
All Modalities Welcome
Reiki, Reiki Tummo, Aka Dua, Healing Touch, whatever you might practice… all frequencies are welcome to coalesce. Symbols are also invited: love, joy, equanimity, compassion which anyone can do, thus providing a great way for those who don’t yet recognize or feel ready to share a particular healing modality to participate. Give when you feel able, receive when you feel the need. Or open wide to both gifts!
Trans-material Architecture for a 5D World
It might be difficult to imagine, but we are creating so much more than a Reiki share here. We are actually building structures to support brilliant and shining futures, whether for ourselves or those who follow.
What we call the All Accomplishing Ocean is full of love and all good things, even a virtual bank! Participants are free to make donations to support my facilitation and the work at hand. However, my intent is to share this energetic gift and for these donations to enter the All Accomplishing Ocean to establish a trans-material bank from which anyone may draw energetic funds whenever needed. No loan applications or approvals necessary! A free storehouse of abundance and prosperity for all.
All “hearts” or “likes” go into the pool.
Likewise, whenever anyone shares a “heart” (as on Insight Timer) or a “like” (as on Youtube), these too are intended as gifts to the collective so each may feel the blessing of appreciation, kindness, acceptance and love.
Worldwide Connectivity
I often talk about Indra’s Net. If you imagine a fisherman’s net, like a spider’s web, with each strand connected to every other strand by a joint or node, you are picturing a metaphor for our connectivity. We are all One Consciousness looking out from many single perspectives. I love that people from all over the world (US, Brazil, Australia, Canada, Estonia, India to name a few) show up to share in the Energy Healing Cooperative. So not only are we creating a beautiful field located in our personal space, but we are creating a global 5D internet of “nodes of sanity” all across our beautiful planet.
As Sufi Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee writes in his book, The Bond with the Beloved:
At the present time a map is being unfolded made of the
lights of the lovers of God. The purpose of this map is to
change the inner energy structure of the planet. In
previous ages this energy structure was held by sacred
places, stone circles, temples and cathedrals. In the next
stage of our collective evolution it is the hearts of
individuals that will hold the cosmic note of the planet.
This is a service project. At the end of every session, we dedicate the energy toward the victory of Nature and Spirit, and the realization of Truth in all hearts and minds so that consciousness may rise and peace may prevail. We then close with an auric cleanse and a lot of warm fuzzy thank yous.
Ways to Work with the Field
When you visit the field, the easiest way to receive is to simply sit or lie back and relax. Let go of expectation. Invite the energy to work its way through, in and all around you to transform your multidimensional self. I often imagine myself swimming through the All Accomplishing Waters, feeling either its warming or cooling effects, depending on what I most need.
It also became clear to me after some time that we weren’t starting from scratch each week. Yes, each week we are generating and cultivating more and more energy into the field, but what we’ve created has grown so strong that the energy is never depleting. And it continues to evolve. We are, in essence, laying the foundations of a whole new world, one rooted in the Truth of Being, our interdependence, and in Love. One can visit the All-Accomplishing Ocean at any time, not just during sessions. It’s there, ready to serve, 24/7.
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