Welcome to the Age of Aquarius! If you’ve been doing “the work” then you’re probably loving the energies. If you haven’t, well, your path might be a little rockier, as you play catch-up. That said, things are shifting more and more quickly, so if your intention is high, it might not take you all that long. Here is your 2025 Selfcare Energy Report to smooth your path.
Flexibility and a comfort with the unknown are essential qualities to nurture, flexibility because we’re going to be facing unprecedented changes at a swift pace and comfort with the unknown because we aren’t going to have any basis of comparison as we move forward. This can either create inner confusion and chaos through resistance or exhilaration and magic if we simply surrender.
So here’s what I recommend people focus on for self care in 2025.
The Password is Greater Good
Whatever challenges or situations you find yourself in, this is the password to receiving all the Universal support and guidance you will need to persevere. Accept all that happens around you and to you as necessary for the Greater Good. Let go of your own attachments to outcomes and put that same energy into an act of knowing that all is unfolding just as it should.
Discern the Message
This is always good advice, but it comes with different flavors in 2025. It applies not only to what comes at you from outside sources but now what comes from inside as well.
I’ll assume that by now, readers use mass media as a entertainment at worst and a gauge of planetary insanity at best. But what we must all do in addition to that now is also discern from the voices with which up to now we have aligned. That means favorite podcasts, favorite astrologers, trusted gurus and others who we turned to for a sense of grounding and connection might also need to be let go.
More and more, we are being called into the silent inner space of our own being. If that’s still hard to do, that’s where your practice takes focus. If it’s already a regular practice, then the work is being able to discern the origins of the messages and insights you receive. Don’t assume what you receive is clear and trustworthy. In fact, surrender it all back and submit to the Greater Good.
Invest for Abundance
All systems and institutions are going through monumental change right along with human bioenergetics. If you have been operating with a scarcity mindset, you’ll need to confront that head on and work quickly. That might not be terribly pleasant if you are unable to focus the mind on what you want instead of what you don’t or if you are easily swayed by talking heads (remember to discern the message!).
Consider that everything presents a choice…to accept or to resist. Part of this is letting go of expectations (again!). Declare what you would like and set it loose. If something else appears, you can accept or resist. One leads to pleasure and the other pain. It’s your choice.

Surrender Often
The word surrender can carry some negative connotations in a world where “the fighter” spirit is so strong. But the surrender of 2025 and the years ahead isn’t that kind of surrender. It isn’t a surrender down to one’s knees. Rather, it is an upward surrender.
Do you remember the scene in The Empire Strikes Back when Obi Wan is about to be struck down by Darth Vader. He doesn’t surrender downward, by giving up. He raises his light saber in complete serenity and rather, he surrenders upward, “to become more powerful than you could possibly imagine” he tells Vader. That’s the surrender of which I write. It’s time to allow the Greater Force to lift us into our power.
I recommend starting your day, as soon as you become conscious, with a prayer of surrender. Give all things back to “S/HE” who gave it you and be willing to be lifted up and out of the ordinary, habitual, broken, and exhausting.
Maybe…Maybe Not
Anytime you catch yourself in 2025 being certain of some outcome, you might want to step back and remind yourself of this simple phrase: perhaps, perhaps not. This is even more crucial when others are attempting to “tell you how it is” or how something will play out. It’s easy to fall prey to another person’s certainty and doing so will pull you into their dream of expectation. While that might be a good thing if it’s in alignment, it can also be detrimental if it is fear-based. In 2025, it’s better to take an “anything can happen” stance because anything can. Which leads me to my next piece of advice…
Stop Negative Processes
Feeling negative about your life or the world? In a downward spiral of fear or cynicism? If you are aware enough to notice what you are feeling, you have a fighting chance of the next three steps:
- Recognizing how your own thoughts and behaviors are contributing – How might you be fueling the ongoing narrative with your thoughts or actions? It’s a hard question but one necessary for any progress.
- Pausing in nonjudgment to make a choice – It’s so easy to beat ourselves up for feeling bad in the first place. Talk about a vicious cycle! Sometimes, we have to be with a certain mind set in order to work with and transmute it. Accept where you are. Slow down, see it all clearly first.
- Initiating a positive process in place of the negative – Once you see clearly, then you can change trajectory. This can be counting your blessings or some other form of gratitude or it can be using statements of affirmation. Really, it can be anything that shifts your state to a more positive one as long as whatever you do causes no detriment.
Make Offerings
Finally, for those who recognize the interconnectedness of all things and the spirit within the material and invisible, 2025 is a great time to develop or rebirth an offering practice. Honor the spirits within the elements, honor nature, honor your ancestors, honor your connections to others with offerings. This doesn’t have to be complicated. It is about focused intention. I’ll have more to say about this in a post of its own coming soon, but for now, here are some simple ideas:
Feed the birds.
Recognize that you are not “in” nature but a part of it. Feed your little flying counterparts with a sprinkling of seeds and an acknowledgement of that love and appreciation.
Pick an element or two.
Build a warm-fire (safely of course) or take a walk by a stream. You can ask the fire to fuel itself with what no longer serves you, offering that the fire burn it away. Or you can pour a glass of water over which you’ve prayed intently for all good things into a larger body of water.
Light a candle and say a prayer.
Set up photos of your parents or other relatives and thank them for their love and support. Light a candle to represent the light you keep for them now.
Write it down.
Make a list of things you’re done with (or use fuel from the negative process exercise) and bury it in the Earth, asking her to transmute the energies to positive ones.
The practice is really about two things: connecting to something with love and appreciation and using our words and imaginations to set strong intent.
With these selfcare tips in mind, your 2025 is bound to be a beautiful, magical, better-than-expected experience of growth and spiritual development.