Divine Me Time celebrates all traditions and wisdom paths. Here, I share some of my all-time most influential favorite prayers, verses, and texts that I hope will inspire you as much as they inspire me.
The Japji Sahib
I can’t begin to express how deeply profound and impactful this sacred prayer of the Sikh’s, written by Guru Nanak, is in my life. Whenever I feel confused, fearful, or lost, I listen and my heart is set at ease.
The Mother by Sri Aurobindo
For me, this is one the most influential books of 2024, though it was written in the 1920’s. It’s a short text of 6 chapters about the Divine Feminine Principle (Shakti) in all her magnificent forms. I regret I am unable to share a reading of this beautiful text with you because of copyright, but you can download a copy of it here.
Scientific Healing Affirmations by Paramahansa Yogananda
Another favorite prayer text comes from Paramahansa Yogananda. I often fall aleep and wake to this beautiful prayer.
Prayer by CR Das
I found this little gem somewhere on my path; I don’t remember where. I have not come across it since and am so glad I wrote it down and have kept it all these years.
Thou art the life of the universe; to me the light of day Thou art, and the dark of night: Activities field when I do wake and see; In sleep my dream. Oh Life of Life, the light Thou art to me of day, the dark of night. Release me of my vice and virtue; make my heart void, and this heart make empty fill with thy entirety. Thy excelling take and make me great with it. Enfold me still, within thee: cover me, Protector bright, my light of day who art and dark of night.