What’s a mandala?
Mandalas are a language of the Universal Whole and depict vibration taking shape, like cymatics. These geometric designs are a communication from and conversation with form, color, and light. A person could watch and look at them, even thinking, ‘Cool!” but without really seeing or hearing the message conveyed. Receiving the message will raise your frequency and raising frequency changes everything!
The Essence of Mandalas
Life is made up of fragments. The fragments tend to be all we see. Mandalas reveal to us a deeper truth: that everything in existence, all the fragments, radiate from a central point, a single origin, the ultimate source of all. Yes, they can be pretty or trippy, but perhaps the deeper significance is in the reveal of this zero point from which all of life arises. Aside from my own delight in beauty, maybe the point in creating them is the point that there is only One, eternally expanding and radiating out in all directions. The lines, shapes, and configurations are the web or thread that unites us, but equally uniting is the space between, the fascia of all of existence.
Some of the mandalas seem to have an inherent outward radiating force. Others have more of an inward radiating force, pulling us into that center. Really, they are each both, so it is all in how one looks at it…where one focuses. And this expansive and contractive force mirrors both the breath in and out and the heart which opens and closes with each experience or impression gained from living.
The four directions (and the multitude of infinite fractional directions) are represented in mandalas. The center of the cross is the entry way into all time and space. Each of us are that center wherever we stand. The entire universe emanates from you and as you.
Working with Mandalas
In viewing a mandala, take the time to see what is behind it. How on earth can you see what’s behind it? Let it pull you in. Instead of turning an external kaleidoscope in your hands, you be the mechanism. Allow life to turn you. Allow the chips of glass that are the fragments of your life to move apart and come together in rush and dance. You stay as the center.
What is a Deconstructed Mandala?
Here’s a different type of kaleidoscopic mandala I like to refer to as “deconstructed”. Rather than symmetrical geometry, there is a little chaos in these representations of the Universal One. Each one signifies the dissolution of matter back to the zero point…or if you prefer, the swirling chaos of manifestation energies coming into material existence.
Let illusions dissolve and find yourself centered in the truth of the formless self:

More Mandalas
For additional samples of my artwork, visit my youtube playlist for videos featuring more kaleidoscopic mandalas.