Year: 2014 Page 2 of 3

Day 34: Alone

An ongoing personal exploration of Divine Guidance and distinguishing between the voice of fear and the voice of love reflecting on the article, How to Distinguish Between Divine Guidance and Fear/Ego/Imagination, on Sir Froggie’s PositiveNews Network .

Today’s pairing is:

Divine Guidance lets you know you’re never alone.
Ego tries to make you feel like you’re the only one.

Once again, I find this pairing repetitive and too alike the last pairing. But I did commit to writing for all 36 days, so I’ll think of something. What comes to mind is what a paradox the truth of alone can be.

For example, we are utterly alone in that no one really shares our dream. They share the frame of a collective dream, but they are off in their own perceptions and point of assemblage. In that way, we are born alone and die alone. We don’t really even know if anyone understands a word we are saying (or writing). After all, they are going to interpret it through their own filters, wounds, and constructs. We merely agree to agree that language means anything at all.

I know there are people out there who absolutely hate the idea of being alone and won’t even consider that it might be true. It’s too painful for them. So take heart, because then there is the other truth…that we are so huge and so multidimensional that we are indeed supported and aided by countless aspects of ourselves all the time. In that way, it seems we are never alone (even though all is one and therefore alone). Quite a philosophically challenging topic, isn’t it?

Day 33: Help

An ongoing personal exploration of Divine Guidance and distinguishing between the voice of fear and the voice of love reflecting on the article, How to Distinguish Between Divine Guidance and Fear/Ego/Imagination, on Sir Froggie’s PositiveNews Network .

Today’s pairing is:

Divine Guidance praises you for accepting your call.  When others compliment you, Divine Guidance says “That’s the way!  WE did it!”
Ego says, “I did it all by myself!  Nobody was there for me.  Nobody helped me.”

This is too like the last pairing about compliments, in my opinion. I guess the emphasis here in on the fact that we always have help. Anything we accomplish we do not accomplish alone. As obvious as this seems to me (I know I didn’t write my books myself, for example, but felt divinely guided through the whole process), I still hear ego dipping into the “I’ll do it myself. Who needs you?” drama from time to time, sometimes on the spiritual level, but more frequently on the human level. It is all too easy to be let down by people since people have a funny way of not conforming to my expectations and projections (darn them!). When it comes to people, it has too often been true that I have had to do it myself. “If I want it done right and on time…” is often the excuse my ego gives. I guess it’s a need to control. I admit I struggle with that.

And at any rate, as I mentioned before, my guidance doesn’t say things like, “That’s the way!” It doesn’t use common language to get through to me. So how does Divine guidance let me know I’m on the right track? Synchronicity perhaps? Signs of power? That makes more sense to me that, “Hurray, WE did it!”

Day 32: Compliments

An ongoing personal exploration of Divine Guidance and distinguishing between the voice of fear and the voice of love reflecting on the article, How to Distinguish Between Divine Guidance and Fear/Ego/Imagination, on Sir Froggie’s PositiveNews Network .

Today’s pairing is:

Divine Guidance accepts compliments, knowing they are the light of God showing through you.
Ego rejects the compliments as untrue or seeks an ulterior motive.  It may also try to convince you that you are undeserving or unworthy, or even too good! 

I agree, our talents and gifts are the glory of the Creator, so false humility and/or the deflection of compliments serves no one. In fact, it’s a rejection of our true power’s source. When I am given a compliment, I don’t really take it personally, not anymore. It has little to do with me anyway. It’s more about the other person who, in the moment of a genuine compliment, sees the Creator reflected with appreciation. I feel blessed to have come to this point of view because it protects me from unjust or unhelpful criticisms as well. None of it is personal. That said, I’m not afraid to feel good about what I do well. I guess my main problem is being satisfied with what I’ve done in the first place. I’m a bit of perfectionist.

This seems like a good time to mention jealousy. I suppose we’ve all had experiences on both sides of jealousy, the object and subject of. When I feel jealous of another, I know there is some latent or dispossessed quality in me that I have failed to acknowledge or cultivate. Otherwise, I don’ t feel jealousy. I feel awe! As for when someone is jealous of me, there isn’t much I can do. At one time, I made the mistake of dampening down my light to spare another, but I don’t play that game anymore. There’s no time. We must, each of us, fully claim our talents, gifts, and full light. We’re gonna need em! And each other.

Day 31: ça va?

An ongoing personal exploration of Divine Guidance and distinguishing between the voice of fear and the voice of love reflecting on the article, How to Distinguish Between Divine Guidance and Fear/Ego/Imagination, on Sir Froggie’s PositiveNews Network .

Today’s pairing is:

Divine Guidance comes to you when you’re open to receiving, when you’re peaceful and calm, or when you’ve asked for Heaven’s help.  Divine Guidance will reduce problems into doable solutions.  Divine Guidance often comes in with gratitude or a sense of reassurance.
Ego comes charging in when you’re confused or slightly fearful and snowballs the confusion and fear into something much bigger than it is.  It may also come in like a bull as soon as you’ve said, “I feel great!”  Or have stated some other truth in confidence so that it can challenge your confidence and make you feel small.

For years, one of my least favorite questions to be asked was “How are you doing?” I knew if I answered that I was great, the ego would pounce in and tell me what a liar I was because I had this, this, and this reason not to be great. If I answered in the negative, I would feel trapped by what should be a passing state of being. “Yes, I’m miserable…and I’ll always be miserable.” I still don’t really like answering that question. But I have been practicing answering in the affirmative in an attempt to be more comfortable with it and ignore the voice that contradicts me.

Maybe it’s the question. I recently read, but can’t remember where, someone debating the value of this age old question. He didn’t like it either. He started to ask others, “How are you being?” He didn’t care what they were doing. He wanted to know their state of being. This makes so much more sense, but it doesn’t quite solve the problem.

The French ask, “ça va?” or “How is it going?” I like that even better. It isn’t personal. It’s about “things”. The answer is simply, “ça va!” It goes. Brilliant.

Day 30: Crazy!

An ongoing personal exploration of Divine Guidance and distinguishing between the voice of fear and the voice of love reflecting on the article, How to Distinguish Between Divine Guidance and Fear/Ego/Imagination, on Sir Froggie’s PositiveNews Network .

Today’s pairing is:

Divine Guidance makes you feel calm and confident in who you are.
Ego makes you wonder, “Am I crazy?”

When do I feel crazy? Often after I’ve given an interview or conducted a workshop or given a performance. I think it has something to do with the copious amounts of adrenaline coursing through my body afterwards. It’s almost a delayed stage-fright. Beforehand, I may get a little nervous, but once I’m in the midst of something, something else seems to take over. Once it’s over, however, I am left with the surging chemicals and the onslaught of critical thoughts…”I wish I’d said this. I shouldn’t have said that that way. I hit such a god-awful note! If only I’d remembered to share this or that.” I suppose a certain amount of self-evaluation can be beneficial and improve performance. But there is often too much self-recrimination in the mix.

I have also felt utterly crazy in my life at such times as I made seemingly absurd decisions like moving across country to a city where I knew no one and had no job prospects, or when I decided to quit a job even though I had no other source of income, or spent thousands of dollars on a power journey to Mexico when I was barely making ends meet, or most recently, when I decided to sell my house and everything in it, close up shop, and move to France…for love, no less! Did I mention how little French I actually speak?

Yes, I’m one crazy fruitcake! What possesses me?

Honestly, I don’t know. And I’m glad I don’t. I’m glad that I’m not so terrified by life and so attached to my security that I can’t  take what appear to be unreasonable, crazy chances. When I follow through on those things I don’t understand, I never regret it. Of course, all the time leading up to the moment of action is spent in ridiculous energy-draining mental deliberations, but once I just commit, or at least once I go through with whatever it is, I’m okay. I’ve never once ended up the bag-lady in the streets (even when I was temporarily homeless…or home-free as I preferred to call it), never once didn’t have food, shelter, and the basic necessities of life, never once had my survival truly threatened, and never once died…obviously! But believe me, that is exactly what my ego warned me would happen again and again.

I’ll tell you what crazy is. Crazy is having a life and not living it. Crazy is turning your back on what you want because you are afraid of what will happen if you get it. Crazy is letting fear drive all your decisions.

And that is the heart of this pairing. Ego tries to tell us our ideas, desires, hopes and dreams are nothing but crazy fantasies. It also has a way of filling us with crazy ideas, desires, hopes and dreams too, though, in an attempt to cover all its bases. So what are we to do? Go back to that feeling of inner calm. Go back to that inner confidence that arises without effort. Hold the visions that we hold in our hearts, not in our heads. Then take the tiny action that presents itself.

Oh, and most importantly, embrace your crazy!

Day 29: Tantrums

An ongoing personal exploration of Divine Guidance and distinguishing between the voice of fear and the voice of love reflecting on the article, How to Distinguish Between Divine Guidance and Fear/Ego/Imagination, on Sir Froggie’s PositiveNews Network .

Today’s pairing is:

Divine Guidance is like a good friend or wise elder.  It is often calm, gentle, firm and consistent.
Ego loves to throw temper-tantrums like a child, tirades like an out-of-control teenager, or controls and manipulates like dictator or control-freak.  It can feel bipolar, schizophrenic, unpredictable and inconsistent, extreme, and very critical.

Ah, I am master of tantrums. I’ve been honing my craft all my life and learned from the very best. Must say, it does get old. And it isn’t all that effective either. When ego puts me in a tantrum state, when I’m not getting my way, I illogically fight with things as they are and declare they must change for me to be happy or at peace. Of course, most of the time, things(and people) are not going to change for me. So my little (or big) temper tantrums merely serve to leave me emotionally upset and physically drained…at the opposite pole of the happiness and peace I desire.

I know a wise elder who models for me the alternative. He is a good friend indeed and while he has been witness to many of my tantrums and sometimes points them out to me, he has never judged me for having them. He doesn’t even expect me to stop having them. But he does let me know there is another way. He is calm. He is gentle. He is firm and consistent. He is all the things I want to embody myself. So I look to him to know what is possible. I look to him to practice another way of being in the world.

Am I having a fit? Then maybe I’m giving to much credence to whatever lies the ego is telling me in that moment. Maybe I just need to step back, get quiet, and realize that I am safe and have everything I truly need in that moment. My real survival is not being threatened. Only my ideas.

Day 28: Contraction

An ongoing personal exploration of Divine Guidance and distinguishing between the voice of fear and the voice of love reflecting on the article, How to Distinguish Between Divine Guidance and Fear/Ego/Imagination, on Sir Froggie’s PositiveNews Network .

Today’s pairing is:

Divine Guidance is soothing, expansive… in body, mind and energy.
Ego is fearful, constrictive… in body, mind and energy.

Do I wish I could be in that purely expansive state all the time? I’m not sure that’s really natural. Even the masters, though they may know they are That, must sometimes contract. It is the nature of the universe to open and close. Even flowers bloom and die. The difference of course, is that flowers don’t have egos…except in literature. (I’m reminded of the self-obsessed Rose from The Little Prince by St. Exupery.)

So, what I’m getting at is that contraction is a natural force and not always a sign that we’re in deluded thinking. Rather, it’s often the ego’s interpretation of these contractions that brings on the fear and further unnecessary constriction. I realize I’m coming at this pairing from a different angle and one likely unintended by the author, but it’s what comes up for me.

Stressed? Try This Vocal Toning Selfcare Practice

Are you all feeling the amping of energies lately and just as stressed out as I am? Astrologically, we are in very interesting times. Time itself seems to be speeding up, information (and misinformation) is a constant onslaught, and change is not only imminent but mandatory. We’re all being asked to up our game. If we don’t take time out to empty and find our way back to neutral, we’re going to have a harder and harder time keeping up.

Vocal toning is such a great selfcare practice to clear your mind, body, and spirit of all the brouhaha. Even if you practice the following technique just minutes a day, you’ll feel the impact.

This particular exercise is adapted from one I learned from my mentor, Dr. Gene Nathan. It consists of three sounds and three centers:


SOUND                               CENTER
Ah                                            heart
Om                                          dan tien (or lower belly)
Shh                                          forehead

Begin by placing your hands on your heart. Tone the sound ‘Ah’ aloud on any comfortable pitch. Do this three times. Then move your hands to your dan tien. Here you will tone the sound ‘Om” with an emphasis on the ‘mmm’. Do this at a lower pitch than the ‘ah’. Finally, place your hands on your forehead. Here, you sound a ‘Shh’. Repeat this cycle, three times at each center, for at least three cycles.

After each tone, notice how your energy is shifting. Take your time. Notice especially the connection that occurs between each center, each helping to reinforce and strengthen the others. And notice how the ‘shh’ quiets the rattled mind. Enjoy!


About the Author:

Beth Ciesco is your Selfcare Specialist, a certified yoga teacher and meditation facilitator. Check out the rest of the website to learn more about Restorative Healing YogaMirror MeditationE-Motion Alchemy, and Voicework as capital S Selfcare tools. You can also follow her on these sites:

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❤ Insight Timer:
❤ Youtube:

Day 27: Forgiveness

An ongoing personal exploration of Divine Guidance and distinguishing between the voice of fear and the voice of love reflecting on the article, How to Distinguish Between Divine Guidance and Fear/Ego/Imagination, on Sir Froggie’s PositiveNews Network .

Today’s pairing is:

Divine Guidance embraces forgiveness and truth.
Ego wants to be right, convinces you you’re justified in toxic anger, negativity or non-forgiveness.

I guess I was jumping the gun in yesterday’s post when I wrote about forgiveness.

In November of last year, I went on a power journey to Oaxaca and Teotihuacan with my spiritual community. During one of our day trips, I received a message about forgiveness. My first thought was that I already was forgiving. I didn’t have anything “big” left to forgive. I’d done the work. Only now, several months later, am I beginning to see that forgiveness has many layers.

When we recall the stories in which we’ve been wronged and know we must do something to alleviate our suffering, we decide to forgive. It is a choice and not necessarily a feeling. This is the first step. We have to want to forgive. The decision generally comes from an awareness that holding onto the grudge, no matter the “crime”, only hurts ourselves in the long run.

Then, we go through a process of reframing the story. We bring compassion to it for ourselves and the other parties involved. We do not excuse, but we attempt to understand. We do not forget, but we no longer suffer the past. That’s a really big piece, but even this isn’t completion.

Sometimes, we through forgiveness into forgetting. This may seem hard to believe in some cases, but I can say from experience, it an happen. We’ve forgiven, reframed, and now see just how silly our story was in the first place, even the most cruel of acts we see through different eyes. Whether we reach this or not doesn’t really matter. But it’s certainly a nice surprise to realize you no longer think about a story that may have at one time defined you. The charge is gone.

While we start with the mental decision to forgive, that may or may not work its way into the emotional layers, but of course, the more it does, the more complete. It was at this juncture that I believed I’d done the work…with a mixture of mental and emotional healing. But it wasn’t enough. That was the message.

The body, physical and energetic, must also forgive. The muscles, bones, every cell of the body must also relinquish resentments and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive others. Forgiveness must ultimately become a spontaneous outflow for it to be complete. It must come from a place of not even taking objection in the first place, not because we don’t care or notice if someone does something to hurt us, but because we know they simply cannot help themselves and that in truth, it has little to do with us.  We don’t just take the action to forgive; we realize that we are a very channel for the constant flow of this energy. And as we become that, there is actually less and less to forgive.

From this place we transform the energy of “wrong” altogether. We know there is only love. Am I there yet? Hardly. But at least I no longer operate under the illusion that I’m done forgiving.

Day 26: Harm None

An ongoing personal exploration of Divine Guidance and distinguishing between the voice of fear and the voice of love reflecting on the article, How to Distinguish Between Divine Guidance and Fear/Ego/Imagination, on Sir Froggie’s PositiveNews Network .

Today’s pairing is:

Divine Guidance will NEVER harm you or another.
Ego goes for the jugular, even in subtle ways that might not seem “that bad” at first.

On the surface, is this not terribly obvious? Harm none? Below the surface, I have to ask how one defines harm? Physical? Emotional? Mental? Spiritual? And then comes the question: can we live unscathed by accusations that we’ve hurt another? Egos are sensitive, after all. We’re always subject to blame for how another person feels. Life is filled with lots of different dreamers with conflicting desires.

So for me, the only way to gauge the extent to which this pairing operates in my life is through intent. Do I intend to harm? Not nearly as much as I’ve been accused! On the other hand, I’ve done some pretty stupid and cruel things in my day out of my own sense of being small, powerless, and afraid. Seems to me that both forgiveness and compassion, for self and others, are two critical ingredients in being able to tune into our Divine guidance.

I think the most important word above is “subtle”. Awareness is key. If I can catch myself in those noisy times when I’m subtly self-hating and implosive…or when I’m subtly angry and explosive…and not act, then I have a chance to receive Divine guidance and act with quiet compassion.


Day 25: Coming Full Circle

An ongoing personal exploration of Divine Guidance and distinguishing between the voice of fear and the voice of love reflecting on the article, How to Distinguish Between Divine Guidance and Fear/Ego/Imagination, on Sir Froggie’s PositiveNews Network .

Today’s pairing is:

Divine Guidance builds things one on top of the other; everything you learn, everything you do, begins to compliment each other and works toward the benefit of yourself, others and your life purpose.
Ego expects you to leap from here to there without any in between preparations.  It tries to jump from start to finish and when you feel that it is impossible, it tells you everything you’ve done is in vain.  It makes you believe everything is unrelated
and a waste of time.

I’m a pretty methodical person. I’m very organized. A Virgo through and through. So, I’m not sure I fall prey to this as much as some might. Then again, I have no patience. So, no doubt, I have a tendency to take unhelpful short-cuts in the name of speed and efficiency from time to time. So maybe that’s how this operates in me.

I do have faith that things are related. I believe in how we develop over time. I started out as a dancer in life. I made it into college as a dance major and then ended up studying education instead. I hated teaching in the public school system, so first, I tried teaching something more fun…creative drama. Then I left teaching to study healing. Then I studied Toltec shamanism and sound healing (and still do). Then I studied coaching. Throughout it all I did a lot of singing/performing. Now I’m an author and editor…and of course, I’m still a teacher. Everything I’ve ever learned does indeed compliment everything else on my path. If I had tried to look at my choices from a logical standpoint, I would have given up long ago thinking I was all over the place, uncommitted, and nuts. In fact, many people in my life thought I was. What a dizzying way of coming full circle! But how perfect!

Day 24: Next Steps

An ongoing personal exploration of Divine Guidance and distinguishing between the voice of fear and the voice of love reflecting on the article, How to Distinguish Between Divine Guidance and Fear/Ego/Imagination, on Sir Froggie’s PositiveNews Network .

Today’s pairing is:

Divine Guidance helps you see beyond your circumstances.  It gives you a vision you know in your heart of hearts is attainable even if you’re not sure how or why yet.  Divine Guidance credits you for the small things you do as well as the medium and large.
Ego tries to block you from seeing beyond your circumstances or gives you an unattainable grandiose goal.  It tries to either discredit you and your goals or use them in a way to put yourself or others down.

I certainly get how ego veils the simple with confusion. I see how it makes the “next steps” seem even bigger and more impossible than they are…maybe even by obscuring the actual smaller “next step”. It throws up rules and regulations and fears of consequences to keep us in line.

The thing about Divine guidance is that, even when I’m not sure what to do to make a particular vision a reality, I feel happier just thinking about it and therefore happier about everything. I feel at peace and accepting of what is.

Ego makes the circumstances seem so dire and the situation seem so dark, but Divine guidance is full of possibility and opportunity.

Day 23: Grace

An ongoing personal exploration of Divine Guidance and distinguishing between the voice of fear and the voice of love reflecting on the article, How to Distinguish Between Divine Guidance and Fear/Ego/Imagination, on Sir Froggie’s PositiveNews Network .

Today’s pairing is:

Divine Guidance works with you and accepts you where you are.  It gives you step by step directions it knows you can handle from where you are comfortable, even if it makes you reach or stretch a little.
Ego knows your fears and weaknesses and tells you that you must overcome these in order to fulfill your purpose.  It tries to trick you into thinking you’re not good enough, or your not ready because what you want is out of reach. 

I think the beauty of this pairing is in the first line. Whether or not we are accepting of ourselves, Divine guidance comes from that which always accepts and understands where we are. That is grace. We can be experiencing the deepest negative hell, unable to receive the tiniest smattering of light, and it matters not to guidance. Our guidance is persistently attempting to penetrate us with light, perhaps even more so in those darkest times. It does not forsake us. There is no one so lost that they lose this grace.

This is counter to so much of our programming. Yes, we hear about the unconditional nature of Love and profess to believe it while at the same time we hold so many beliefs, even as spiritually aware beings, counter to this truth. Instead, we tell ourselves we deserve what we’ve brought on ourselves, that we must pay our karmic debt, that we are somehow flawed, thick, and forgettable. Or we look at other and think, “What chance does he have?” Rarely do we take the perspective that maybe we are in process of purification in which the stored poisons and misconceptions of the mind are simply coming up to be released, and that no matter how dark or painful, our angels hold our heads as we purge.

I resonate deeply with the last line as well. I recently went through a confusing time feeling like I had no idea what I wanted anymore. I felt utterly directionless. Somehow I realized I didn’t know what I wanted simply because I believed the ego’s story that I wasn’t going to get what I wanted (I was so very close to getting it!). The tricky ego made me stop wanting altogether and then blamed me, “You don’t even know what you want anymore!” This was robbing me of my ability to dream, shrinking my light and killing my creativity. I believe it was grace that helped me see through and past this trap The instant I realized what was happening, confusion evaporated. I knew exactly what I wanted again, and I took steps toward making it reality, once again feeling empowered by possibility and the energy of my own drive.

Day 22: Realign

An ongoing personal exploration of Divine Guidance and distinguishing between the voice of fear and the voice of love reflecting on the article, How to Distinguish Between Divine Guidance and Fear/Ego/Imagination, on Sir Froggie’s PositiveNews Network .

Today’s pairing is:

Divine Guidance brings you closer to truth, love, healing and your life purpose.  It lifts you up and gives you peace or enthusiasm about yourself and the truth, love, healing or life purpose you are working toward.
Ego tries to block you from your truth, love, healing and life purpose.  It may try to disguise these blocks as “necessary” or “logical” even though they appear out of the blue and have a fear based feeling to them.  Ego drains you, discredits you and makes you feel like “what’s the use?”  The closer you get to your goal, the more ego will object!

This is only one pairing, but several things seem to be mashed together. What stands out? For me, it’s the last line: the closer you get to your goal, the more ego will object. I’ve found that to be very true.

It’s quite ironic. My ego is often more invested in my failure than in my success. You think it would be the other way around. You think ego would want to puff itself all up with us getting what we wanted. Instead, it always keeps the goal out of reach. Is it because it fears the end of its usefulness should the goal be met? And why does it try to prevent change? Wouldn’t it feel more useful if it were having to help a person navigate novel experiences and challenges? Who needs a mind when one lives by rote? Yet, ego seems to prefer the familiar…or at least making things so complicated it gets to work overtime to never, ever reach a solution. It’s quite ridiculous and a sign of just how demented the ancient program is. This alone makes me want to cry out, “What’s the use?”

In fact, what’s the use of catering to the ego’s fearful, limiting perspectives? If the damn thing is going to block us from love, truth and purpose, why give it any airtime whatsoever? Why not devote every ounce of energy into freeing ourselves from its insidious tricks and plots? Since I started working with these ideas 22 days ago, egos ways are certainly becoming more and more obvious and transparent.

So I question every feeling of fear. I question everything that feels impossible. I question every voice that says, “never” or “can’t.” I question the completely rational. I realign with all that brings peace, enthusiasm, and excitement. I realign with my gifts and everything I love. I realign with joy. The closer I get to the goal, the more important it becomes to sing louder to drown out the useless noise!

Day 21: Spiritual vs. Physical

An ongoing personal exploration of Divine Guidance and distinguishing between the voice of fear and the voice of love reflecting on the article, How to Distinguish Between Divine Guidance and Fear/Ego/Imagination, on Sir Froggie’s PositiveNews Network .

Today’s pairing is:

Divine Guidance opens up your heart, flows through your chakras, expands or calms your energy.
Ego will open your fears, drain or block your chakras and suck your energy.  It has a very nervous, toxic, negative feel to it.

I asked someone whether he thought it was more important to live to honor the spiritual or the physical. He gave me what I at first thought was the cop-out response: both. But then, the more I listened, I began to question my own either/or orientation. Why must anything and everything in life be black or white, one or the other, spiritual vs. physical? Why not both?

I mention this for two reasons. First, it just happened so it’s fresh in my awareness. And two, my habitual either/or thinking is a sure fast-track to feeling drained, blocked, and zapped.

Of course, when I asked my question, I already knew my answer was “spiritual”; it is far more important to honor the spiritual. But what a laugh! Who came up with that idea? The physical IS the spiritual. We are spiritual beings but we are in the physical world. They really aren’t two different things, but as long as they “appear” to be, the only way to live in balance is to honor them both.

Day 20: Judging and Comparing

An ongoing personal exploration of Divine Guidance and distinguishing between the voice of fear and the voice of love reflecting on the article, How to Distinguish Between Divine Guidance and Fear/Ego/Imagination, on Sir Froggie’s PositiveNews Network .

Today’s pairing is:

Divine Guidance doesn’t judge or compare… yourself, others or God.  It shows you people as inspiration.
Ego is always judging, always comparing.

This seems a rather obvious and well-stated pairing to me. While the ego is forever at work interpreting stimulus in order to place me and others on the continuum of better or worse (see competition), Divine guidance uses the exact same stimulus to inspire new ideas and approaches.

What else needs to be said except maybe how to stop paying attention to the ego’s games? There are articles (1) already written about that, but I suggest a Four Agreements approach.

The Four Agreements, written by don Miguel Ruiz, reminds us:

1. Don’t Make Assumptions
2. Don’t Take Anything Personally
3. Always Do Your Best
4. Be Impeccable with Your Word

The more these principles are incorporated into my own life, the less likely I am to fall asleep and under the influence of a judging and comparing mind. Perhaps the third is the most important in regards to today’s pairing. If we’ve done our best, that’s that. When we accept that about ourselves, we are more generous with others. They’ve likely done their best as well.

Day 19: The Right Track

An ongoing personal exploration of Divine Guidance and distinguishing between the voice of fear and the voice of love reflecting on the article, How to Distinguish Between Divine Guidance and Fear/Ego/Imagination, on Sir Froggie’s PositiveNews Network .

Today’s pairing is:

Divine Guidance is always respectful, even when dealing with a truthful situation
that may need your attention to change.
Ego is disrespectful…to yourself, others and even to God but tries to convince you otherwise.

I guess that voice that says, “Stop it, you idiot! What the f*&$ are you doing?” isn’t Divine guidance, then? Joking aside, and as I’ve said before, I don’t think Divine guidance speaks to us in words, though it can certainly influence them. I think Divine guidance is more apt to use the emotional body to get its message across though. It can show us how we have misaligned and stepped out of integrity by bringing into our awareness those subtle or even not so subtle turns in the gut. We know we are misinterpreting reality somehow…not facing up to something…because we just don’t feel at peace…we know we’re not on the right track.

Everything that ego stirs up…confusion, frustration, attachment…these uncomfortable things become the sign posts that we’ve been on the wrong track. It’s a built-in mechanism within the illusion to let us know when we are identifying too strongly with illusion: suffering. There is no accusation. There is no judgment. There is just an increased feeling of separation. If we can just train ourselves to see it, trust it, and instantly realign, we’re back on track. Easier said than done, perhaps. But like anything, it just takes practice.

Once we wake up to the message, then we can ask for more information. Maybe this is the trickier bit. The mind will want to interpret the message and bend it to its preconceptions and habits. It will want to blame someone that we haven’t yet been able to change what needs changing. It will play its usual role. Maybe the best approach, at this point, is a prayer:

I know something must change, but I don’t know what or how. Please guide me to take the next step.

Day 18: Competition vs. Collaboration

An ongoing personal exploration of Divine Guidance and distinguishing between the voice of fear and the voice of love reflecting on the article, How to Distinguish Between Divine Guidance and Fear/Ego/Imagination, on Sir Froggie’s PositiveNews Network .

Today’s pairing is:

Divine Guidance sees people as divine beings, equals and counterparts, there to learn, grow and teach with you.
Ego sees people as competition, better or worse than you.

I’ve always hated competition. It’s practically the foundation upon which school and our early domestication is built. There are spelling bees, tests, debates, tryouts, and cliques. Everyone is jockeying for position. I could never understand how certain people seemed to thrive on it. It is more in my nature to collaborate, but having no choice in the matter if I wanted to be part of something, I would enter the ring full of anxiety, sometimes winning, sometimes losing, but always at the mercy of an authority who told me there was only room for one winner. Winning was often no joy either, as it incurred the wrath of those who used it to abuse themselves for having lost.

This early training reinforced for me the idea that in all things, only competition was possible. There was no such thing as collaboration; that was just a now foggy concept in my head. I think it is one of the reasons I’ve always been drawn to the unusual and novel. If there was less competition, after all, then I wouldn’t have to compete. I could avoid all the unpleasantness that competition brings out in people.

Eventually though, things would catch up with me; the novel would become popular. I would feel threatened, jealous and defensive, and mad as hell at myself because somewhere deep down I knew it wasn’t supposed to be like this. The jealousies and defenses of others weren’t all that pleasant an experience for me either! Why were we doing this to ourselves?

Thankfully, an angel helped wake me up, and it changed my life. This angel helped me to understand that I couldn’t manifest a vision I was nursing all by myself and delivered unto me the renewed dream of collaboration.

This began a chain-reaction healing in me. I had, at first, to face all my misplaced faith and the emotions that misplaced faith had been feeding over my lifetime: possessiveness, jealousy, envy, fear, control, and a need for specialness. It wasn’t easy. It was painful, but it was the kind of pain I knew was going to bring me treasure.

I didn’t want to suffer with such feelings anymore. I wanted another option. If nature had room within itself for everything, then why couldn’t I align myself with nature and make room inside myself for both myself and others? How could I alleviate the suffering of others who might have felt in competition with me and include them instead? Maybe I could, and maybe I couldn’t, but I would take steps to try. I wanted to nurture people’s gifts, not feel threatened by them. I wanted to collaborate! Ah!

We all bring something unique to the table. We all have a right and a reason to shine. When we do it together, our light is even brighter. When we need to maintain our specialness, when we need to stand out over and above one another, when we believe that another’s light can eclipse our own, we are asleep to our own magnificence. It not only keeps us from doing greater things, it keeps us from so much joy, possibility, fun, and love. This is truly one of my life’s greatest lessons, one I am eternally grateful to that angel!

Day 17: Sharing & Helping

An ongoing personal exploration of Divine Guidance and distinguishing between the voice of fear and the voice of love reflecting on the article, How to Distinguish Between Divine Guidance and Fear/Ego/Imagination, on Sir Froggie’s PositiveNews Network .

Today’s pairing is:

Divine Guidance prompts you to share and help others, and you do so gladly.
Ego again says, “all or nothing,” or tries to make you believe there isn’t enough to share.  When you find something or someone that needs help, ego tries to convince you that you can’t help.

For 16 days, I have had no writer’s block about any of the pairings…not until today. I’m not sure why I have so little to say about this. Maybe this pairing is really two different things smashed together…sharing and helping…and I can’t figure out how to respond because of it. Besides, I wrote about service just the other day, so this strikes me as a bit redundant.

Maybe the concepts “sharing” and “helping” are very much entangled for me with Catholic guilt trips and manipulation, and that’s why I feel uninspired. I don’t know. Then again, maybe it’s just a non-issue.

I guess I’m not one to go out of my way to help someone; when I do, I often regret it. I prefer to act in those spontaneous moments of finding myself in a position to be useful. I’m just in the right place at the right time with the right tools. It all unfolds effortlessly.

As the youngest of five children, all with big appetites, I was conditioned to protect what was mine. With my brother in the house, there was never enough milk, that’s for sure. That boy could drink a gallon at one meal! But of course, over time, I’ve come to realize that I can share and actually feel like I have more. But sometimes, I don’t want to share. So what? Big deal? In those moments I have a choice. Is it in my integrity in that moment to act from a more generous place and overcome my resistance, or it it to honor this little me that wants all her cookies?

Day 16: Joy without Accomplishment

An ongoing personal exploration of Divine Guidance and distinguishing between the voice of fear and the voice of love reflecting on the article, How to Distinguish Between Divine Guidance and Fear/Ego/Imagination, on Sir Froggie’s PositiveNews Network .

Today’s pairing is:

Divine Guidance wants you to revel in your accomplishments and take joy in your abundance.
Ego tries to make you feel guilty and undeserving.

Ego loves to play along the continuum of self-importance of either making us completely insignificant, guilty and undeserving or, through delusions of grandeur, making us over-confident, arrogant, and entitled. Though there are perhaps “healthier” places along that continuum, we remain subject to the whims of ego given the circumstances of changing situations.

For example, while the voice of love — a “redeemed” aspect of ego (and whether ego can or can’t be redeemed we’ll just set aside for now) — allows us to revel in our accomplishments, it doesn’t free us from the authority of voices. Rather, it reinforces our dependency and again leaves us subject to the changes in the weather. It is still driven by thought and therefore vulnerable to faulty interpretations.

Divine guidance is offering us a much better package. I would go so far as to say Divine guidance just wants us to revel period in joy without accomplishment! To enjoy life regardless of whether or not you’ve done something deemed worth celebrating. Either that or to celebrate every accomplishment…like waking up each morning. When we remember and credit the true power behind such accomplishments rather than entertain a distorted view of our own importance, as long as we remember gratitude, we’re off the continuum and on the “right track.”

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