Author: Beth

The Energy Healing Cooperative & A Victorious New World

I often describe myself as more of an energy worker than a healer. For one thing, I’m not really doing the healing; Spirit is. I simply make myself available to whatever purity of healing frequency wants to come through. My practice is more about getting out of my own way than anything. I don’t even have to understand what I’m doing or why. I sometimes get asked, “Why are you moving your hands like that? What does that do?” and I’m like, “Uh…I have no idea!” Or I’m asked, “What did you see?” after working with someone, and again, I’m like, “Uh…not much.”

I used to see stuff. I used to see power animals, other-wordly beings, and receive flashes of insight into a person’s distress. I’ve let all that go. I don’t have to know (and frankly don’t want to!). I just have to do. For some reason, following this directive is very easy when it comes to healing work and not very easy when it comes to my personal life, but that’s another story.

There is, however, a power of intention within me as well. And it is this power that calls me to create blueprints for new structures for a world that doesn’t exist yet. It may sound crazy. I don’t really care. Somehow, I know what I’m doing.

The Need is Ever Greater

I was just researching funding sites, and as I perused all the pleas for help from desperate people, I was completely overwhelmed with all the need. “Help me with funeral costs”, “help me with medical bills”, “help me start over”, “help me, help me, help me!” I am reminded of that Bible story of Jesus being drained by all the throngs of people in need of healing. Several things struck me:

1) How easy it would be for a “supposed” proclaimed philanthropist to erase these requests in one sweep instead of continually destroying our food supply or experimenting on third-world resource-rich populations with toxins.

2) How very desperate things are getting for more and more people.

3) How blessed I feel (and silly) to realize how blessed I actually am.

4) Why is there not a funding platform to which one could make ONE donation and then choose how it gets divided among various causes? It would eliminate the overwhelm feeling (I can’t be the only one who feels that), allow even unpopular requests to finally have a measly buck in their campaign (“someone sees me!”), and be overall so much simpler for the donor. (I am an idea person but this idea is not my calling. Somebody out there go do it!!)

5) I’m not sure this problem of need can be solved in a world of greed. Seems a new mode of energy work is necessary.

And that’s what this post is all about. For I see that new mode of energy work unfolding having come to me at the beginning of the year, and it is very exciting to me and nothing I would ever have thought I’d be doing. 

I’ve learned some very valuable lessons in my lifetime. One is that we are more powerful when we cooperate and dream together. That is what led me to create an Energy Healing Cooperative. Now, such a cooperative isn’t necessary a new idea. Reiki circles, for example, have been around for ages. But what we’re doing though this cooperative is creating a transmaterial architecture to meet the needs of the many. (And to give credit where it is due, it was my former mentor, Dr. Gene Nathan, who gave me the idea of working in this way through his own vision of “The Wishing Well”.)

The Energy Healing Cooperative works uniquely in several ways.

An All-Accomplishing Healing Ocean
All energy is transmitted to a collective morphic field. There the frequencies from each healer and whatever modalities they happen to practice coalesce becoming more intelligent. In this way, healing can be delivered where it is most needed. There is no need to focus healing toward one individual. The healer is free to simply generate healing. The Ocean delivers the goods.

The Highest Good & Dedication 
Before each session, all negative influences are neutralized. After each session, we dedicate the energy toward the victorious realization of the divine, spiritual and supramental Truth in all hearts and minds. In this way, the field that we create is completely protected from destructive and depleting forces.

All donations go into the pool.
Participants are free to make donations to support my facilitation and the work at hand. However, my intent is to share this energetic gift and for these donations to enter the All Accomplishing Ocean to establish a transmaterial bank from which anyone may draw energetic funds whenever needed. No loan applications or approvals necessary! A free storehouse of abundance and prosperity for all.

All “hearts” or “likes” go into the pool.
Likewise, whenever anyone shares a “heart” (as on Insight Timer) or a “like” (as on Youtube), these too are intended as gifts to the collective so each may feel the blessing of appreciation, kindness, acceptance and love.

Symbols of intent also go into the pool.
In addition to sending healing energies such as Reiki, one may also wish to send symbols into the All-Accomplishing Ocean such as the Four Immeasurables: Love, Joy, Equanimity, & Compassion or any other word symbolizing qualities that are of the highest vibration and helpful to all. This is also a way for those who have not yet recognized or developed their healing abilities to participate as anyone can send Forgiveness, Sovereignty, Wisdom, Prosperity, Friendship or other symbol without any training, certification or special knowledge (which is also, of course, true of healing, but some have yet to have faith in that).

It gets stronger every single week. 
I’ve noticed something happening over the weeks and months since the Energy Healing Cooperative took shape. Every week it becomes stronger. It started out with us sending healing to a pool. It didn’t take long before I felt quite silly calling it that. It had clearly become an Ocean of Light and Love filled with all good things. It is deep and vast and often changes colors as it responds both to the energies going to it, the energy it needs to send out, and the intelligent alchemical processes of the cooperative effort.

It’s always open!
It also became clear to me after some time that we weren’t starting from scratch each week. Yes, each week we were generating and cultivating more and more energy into the field, but what we’d created had grown so strong that the energy was never depleting. So, one can visit the All-Accomplishing Ocean at any time, not just during sessions. It’s there, ready to serve, 24/7.

Love Bugs
Somewhere along the line, someone in the Insight Timer group nicknamed us “The Love Bugs” and it stuck.

Join us!

If you feel called to join us in this endeavor, you can do so on Insight Timer on Sundays at 2:15 CET or 8:15 AM EST. It’s FREE. You don’t have to practice a specific healing modality but all modalities are welcome. You can attend to give or receive or both. It’s a beautiful, sweet, loving safe space supported by like-minds and hearts all across the planet.

You can also join me on Youtube on Wednesdays at 2:30 CET or 8:30 EST for Live Energy Healing (day and time subject to change so be sure to subscribe and hit the notification bell). Other healers may or may not be present for this, but again, you can attend to give, receive, or both. And the video each week is available for 24 hours. 

Getting the Word Out

I need your help in getting the word out. Please do share this information with anyone you feel would benefit or desire to be part of this venture. The more the absolute merrier! Together, we are building the structures for a Victorious New World.

Multidimensional Being: Aspects of Self

In my last post on the Multidimensional Being, I introduced the DMT 10-Body System, a synthesis of well-established yogic systems and so, while unique to DMT, not remotely a new concept. In this post, I will delve into each of these layers of our being from a DMT perspective. By getting to know the layers of our being, we are able to better map where we might experience blockages of energy or be cut off from aspects of Self. As such, knowing the dimensions of our being is extremely helpful on the healing path. What’s more, being aware of all these aspects of Self deepen our experience of Divine Me Time.

Physical Body

This one’s obvious. It is what is traditionally referred to as “the body” including all of its systems and parts: the organs, the bones, the tissues, the limbs, the extremities, and nerves. We are born with what seems to be one and the same body, and yet, from year to year, it is always changing until that eventual and inevitable moment in which we must leave it behind. Surprisingly, very few people are actually “in” their bodies now.

Multidimensions of BeingThere is such a learned disconnect for reasons of survival from a young age, and our inability to process other layers of our being can totally stunt our relationship with our physical selves. This can manifest as disease of every kind. That is why somatic movement, slow and mindful, is so important to our well-being. One may think that an Olympian athlete is “in the body”, but in fact, it is just as likely they are cut off in some way…forcing it to conform to the will of the mind, this just to say that appearances can be deceiving. I’m not implying every athlete is disembodied.

Pranic Body/Life Force

This is the bioelectrical energy force of all life fueled by the breath. If you’ve ever wondered whether or not you were meant to be here, hold your breath. You’ll get your answer soon enough. How we breathe is an indicator of physical health. If we breathe primarily up in the chest, we are creating a nervous tension in the body. If we can drop our breathe into the belly, we become more relaxed and soothed by our  own internal rhythm. That, of course, is assuming that we’re not efforting to breathe in a certain fashion but rather, following a natural breath.

One could also see this field as the physical healing field as when we cut our finger accidentally, we notice over a period of days that the cut has healed. This is the wonder of the pranic force of life.

Emotional Body

Joy, sadness, frustration, resentment, rage, contentment. These are common emotions that arise in our emotional body. We tend to get a little addicted to our favorite emotional states…even the less comfortable ones. Emotions are energetic symbols alerting us to imbalance which is why if we ignore or suppress them, we do so at our peril.

You may ask, “How can joy indicate imbalance?” For one thing, joy can leave us ungrounded and floaty. For another, because we tend to want to hold on to higher states, imbalance arises out of our clinging and preference. But all emotions are meant to flow…to come and go. This isn’t to discount experiences of True Nature that can be incredibly tranquil. But that tranquility is True Nature…not a fleeting emotion. Whether or not we can maintain consciousness there is another matter, however.

While we need to absolutely be aware of all of our feelings, if any of them become sticky, even the good ones, we are setting ourselves up for suffering. Like the breath, the emotional body is meant to be ever in flux.

Mental Body

The mental body deals with all of our thinking as well as memes and the conditioning of the mind. If you can think it, put it in this category. Even the words you are reading now are aspects of the mental body which gives every stroke its meaning. It is often said that where the mind goes, energy flows. So how we think has a direct impact on our experience of reality. The mental body should not be confused with mind, however. Mind is clear, luminous space…like a crystal. The mental body manifests within the space of the mind.

The Auric Body

This is the energy field of the body that radiates beyond our physical boundaries. It is associated with the chakra system and it has within itself several different layers. There are those who are adept at seeing these layers and the various signs of disease or weakness that might be displayed through holes, tears, punctures, colors and textures. Our thoughts and emotions can be displayed through our auric field. Anyone can train themselves to see the aura, but we’ll leave that for perhaps another time.

Kirlian photography has captured the auric field on film. The images are quite magnificent.

Wisdom/Intuitive Body

Did you know you have access to Cosmic Wisdom? Through this body, we are able to receive intuitive guidance and impulse. Here we have access to the Akashic Records and an intelligence greater than the individual human mind. This is the field in which the Muses operate, inspiring invention and all manner of artists. It is the field in which all problems can be solved because it is a refined consciousness in which the problems don’t even exist. It is a world of potentials, but potentials inspired by Spirit rather than ego.

Radiant Body

The radiant body exists just beyond the auric field. It reaches out to the world. It is our magnetism. It can open us up to and attract opportunities as well as be used to protect us from unwanted energies and manifestations. Similar to the aura, the radiant body is often represented in religious iconography as the halo.

Bliss Body/Celestial

This body is commonly accessed by storming it with psychotropics. But it is best earned through meditation and devotion. It is our connection to the orgasmic cosmos, expanding and collapsing in ever-unfolding rapturous wonder. The Ecstatics, saints that regularly fell into or even lived most of their days in an ecstasy are examples of beings deeply connected to this level of being. However, it tends not to be a very practical existence.


This can be referred to as “the higher self”. It’s the you of your highest potentials that guides your path as a being here on Earth. You can think of it as a God-designed blueprint if you wish. We lose sight of our soul body at our karmic peril, but regardless of whether or not we allow it to inform us, it is always trying to do so.


As stated in my first post, the Absolute remains unavailable to description and definition. It even lies outside of our ability to experience it. And yet, we are it. It’s a paradox that only the Great Mystery could concoct!

The most important thing to understand is that, while we look at these separately in order to see them more clearly and work with them intentionally, they comprise a single being…the entirety of YOU! You aren’t missing any of these layers though you may be unaware of them. They may require a bit of attention and “buffing up” before we can fully integrate each into the other.

Multidimensional Being

Multidimensional Levels of Being

We Are Multidimensional

Did you know that you are much more than what you appear to be? We are conditioned from birth to think we are the body. If someday, we enter a spiritual quest, we often spend the rest of our lives trying to undo the confusion! If you’ve ever asked yourself the question, “Who Am I?”, congratulations! Something in you might already be in recognition that everything we’ve been told or thought in answer to that question can never satisfy. We are so much more than we think.

Instead of feeling angst, Divine Me Time provides a system for self-exploration that is about involution as much (if not more so) as evolution. We stop interfering with life, work with who we are now, let go of the drive to “self improve” or “fix” what’s “broken” and instead, surrender to the Life than animates us, trusting every step.

Then what is meant to improve will just happen and what needs fixing will be addressed. It may sound like magical thinking, but it isn’t. There’s still work to be done, but it gets done. Instead of trying to control destiny and every aspect of our lives, we let go and enter the Stream of Divine Flow. Divine Me Time is about letting the capital S-Self take care of “self” so our whole life become the answer to life’s biggest question.

Let the Self Take Care of the “self”

We can let go of the struggle. Through breath, we open to that greater mystery, the life force within us. We make ourselves fully available to it, we make ourselves as empty a vessel as possible and become a channel, not to external voices, but to our own soul.

In order for the Self to take care of the “self”, we have to first recognize that we are indeed the Self. It isn’t some separate entity out of reach. It is here, now. The little self is merely a construct, a representation of that Greater Being. But it isn’t something to destroy in some misunderstood spiritual pursuit (“kill the ego”). Instead, it is to be aligned and integrated with that Higher Self so that we can “be becoming” fully-functioning adults and beacons of sanity. In other words, it is a process.

The practices by which we invite this shift within include breathwork, deeply restorative (as opposed to sporty) yoga, healing chi gong and other forms of energy work, and meditative practices than involve the mirror as well as voicework and other creative arts.

Yogic Models of the Levels of Being

We open channels of communication with all the dimensions of ourselves as expressed by 5-body, 7-body, and 10-body theories described below by Perplexity AI:

The difference between the 5-body, 7-body, and 10-body theories in yogic traditions like Kundalini Yoga lies in the understanding of the human energy system and its components:

– **5-Body Theory**: In this theory, the human being is seen as composed of five bodies or sheaths known as Koshas. These are the physical body (Annamaya Kosha), the energy body (Pranamaya Kosha), the mental body (Manomaya Kosha), the intellectual body (Vijnanamaya Kosha), and the bliss body (Anandamaya Kosha). Each sheath represents a different aspect of human existence, from the physical to the spiritual[1].

– **7-Body Theory**: This theory expands on the 5-body model by adding two additional bodies. It includes the etheric body (Sthula Sharira), which is associated with vitality and life force, and the celestial body (Karana Sharira), which represents the soul or higher self. These additional bodies provide a more comprehensive understanding of the human experience and spiritual evolution[1].

– **10-Body Theory**: The 10-body theory further elaborates on the human energy…. [There are said to be one physical body, three mental bodies, and six energy bodies in the kundalini yoga system — soul, negative mind, positive mind, neutral mind, physical body, arcline (halo), auric, pranic, subtle, and radiant bodies.] Each body plays a specific role in shaping an individual’s consciousness, emotions, and actions, contributing to a deeper understanding of self-awareness and spiritual growth[1].

These theories offer varying perspectives on the layers of existence within an individual, highlighting different aspects of human nature and consciousness in yogic philosophy.


The DMT Fusion Model

Each system has its uses and points our attention to different aspects of self. So, I prefer a fusion approach which tends to move from the densest to the finest vibratory body (though there’s room for disagreement). I’ll break these down in another post, but for now:

Physical Body
Pranic Body/Life Force
Emotional Body
Mental Body
The Auric Body
Wisdom/Intuitive Body
Radiant Body
Bliss Body/Celestial

Of course, the Absolute remains unavailable to description and definition. It even lies outside of our ability to experience it. And yet, we are it. It’s a paradox that only the Great Mystery could concoct!

In summary, Divine Me Time invites you to open up communication with these fields of our being making it possible to bring all layers of ourselves into greater harmony and alignment.

Protecting Freedom from Totalitarianism or Authoritarianism

I have fun with AI sometimes. I ask it questions rather than doing my own search and it tends to yield a pretty good synthesis of results. For example, recently I asked Perplexity the following question about protecting freedom:

How do we protect ourselves from totalitarian or authoritarian governmental policies?

Here’s what perplexity had to say:

To protect ourselves from totalitarian or authoritarian governmental policies, it is crucial to be vigilant and take specific actions based on the insights provided by various sources:

1. **Stay Informed and Vigilant**: Be aware of proposed laws that may infringe on fundamental rights, criminalize disinformation, or silence dissent within public institutions[1].

2. **Protect Minority Rights**: Uphold the rights of minorities, including political and demographic minorities, as they are often targeted by authoritarian regimes to sow division and consolidate power[1].

3. **Defend Free Press**: Fight for press freedom and support independent media outlets to prevent state control of information and propaganda dissemination[2].

4. **Promote Unity**: Resist attempts to divide society by staying united against efforts to label certain groups as enemies of the state or unpatriotic[2].

5. **Challenge Misinformation**: Combat the spread of misinformation by fact-checking, thinking critically, and exposing lies and distortions of the truth[2].

6. **Advocate for Judicial Independence**: Protect the independence of the judiciary to prevent the erosion of checks and balances that could lead to unconstitutional legislation[2].

7. **Engage in Civic Education**: Educate citizens about the threats posed by authoritarian regimes and empower them to defend democracy against external influences like election interference, cyberattacks, and disinformation campaigns[5].

By following these guidelines and actively engaging in safeguarding democratic principles, individuals can contribute to resisting authoritarianism and protecting democratic values.


Here’s What I Have to Say

I find this somewhat alarming given the current state of our world. It sure seems like we are failing to live up to these guidelines. For example, it is getting almost impossible to keep up with all of the legislation being proposed and passed by governmental bodies these day. And quite often, items are snuck through or passed without any consideration of future dangers. Who does that serve? And why is it becoming increasingly difficult and even dangerous to express a dissenting idea?

I have personal experience with the rights of minorities at risk because I was one of the people unwilling to take an untested injection these last few years. As a white privileged female, I might not otherwise have ever had an understanding of how awful it is to have one’s rights removed and to be villainized by the majority. Now I do. And that makes me much more sympathetic to those who feel their rights are ignored or denied altogether, even if it has no impact on me personally. The fact is, any attack on anyone’s rights leads to a deterioration of everyone’s rights.

As for a free press, is that even possible when sources of information are corporately sponsored and/or owned? There is ever more encroachment in the form of censoring, de-platforming, and the proliferation of “approved” narratives and the like. Because I tend to listen to a multitude of voices rather than relying on mainstream media, and because I live in a different country than the one in which I grew up, I am perhaps blessed to hear a variety of perspectives from which I can then stitch together more likely truths.

But I have also seen just how widespread the silencing is as well as just how deep the propaganda from all sides is infiltrating in an attempt to confuse the masses. It’s scary. It is not just tin-foiled lunatics who are silenced, either. In fact, it is very often experts or journalists who maintain inconvenient truths. (Seems to me like plenty of lunatics actually remain free to spout whatever idiocy their wish.)

It’s interesting how a lack of free press actually works to destroy the unity which is necessary to prevent society’s breakdown. The news is already polarized (ie: MSNBC vs. FOX) and of course, those who watch one tend not to watch the other, which only reinforces bias. Social media and its demonstrated “mob mentality” doesn’t help. Humanity has a long way to go to realize that blame is actually disempowering and that there is no greater enemy than the one inside. And as long as emotions are so easily manipulated by the masses and those in power, societal actions will always be at odds with its own values.

When it comes to misinformation and challenging it, how does one do that when the information is processed through corrupted channels?  When words are redefined, statistical measures adulterated, scientific methods bypassed, and propaganda legalized against one’s own people, how do we ever arrive at legitimate truths? Without a functioning intuition and ability to challenge one’s own thinking, it becomes quite plainly impossible to discern.

I can’t comment on the sixth point. I don’t have enough knowledge. But I can say how immensely grateful I am to those on the frontlines doing their utmost to protect liberty.

But as a former educator, I can honestly say that our education system has been failing kids for decades. It’s why I left the public school system in the early 2000’s and then the community college system in 2013. As long as we don’t first provide the absolute basics – healthy diets, safe homes, and emotional intelligence – how can we expect any child to thrive? That some do is a testament to the resilience of children. Education needs a major paradigm shift that includes real-life skills, self-awareness, and critical thinking. The fact that is doesn’t serves who, exactly?

It’s Almost Midnight

Have you ever heard of the doomsday clock? It signals how close humanity is to complete destruction. According to it, we are 90 seconds to midnight, the hour of catastrophic outcomes. It mostly represents nuclear threat, but taking into consideration the guidelines above, I think it signals the destruction of authentic democracy as well. I don’t know where we are headed as a species, let alone as a civilization but I sincerely hope humanity awakens before it is too late when we finally realize how much we’ve lost due to apathy or fear.

You may be wondering why I am sharing this. It’s not exactly inspirational. And on the surface, it would seem to have little to do with selfcare. But I believe that our lack of self-knowledge and selfcare is at the heart of the problem, as is our disconnection from our own Divinity. Too many are externally focused, waiting for someone else to save them. Too many remain blind to frightening realities because it is easier to stick one’s head in the sand. And too many fail to do the work necessary to free themselves from the tyranny of our psychological and societal conditioning.

My point in writing this is simply to speak up. We all need to find our voice and realign our values with our actions.

If you’ve bothered to read this, it’s probably safe to assume you are one of the people on this planet as concerned as I am for humanity’s future. I am grateful you exist.

Being Full of It

“Some Teachers Are Full of It”

While I was guiding an online meditation the other day in “just sitting”, a non-doing practice of being, towards the end, someone wrote in the comments, “Some teachers are full of it.” I wasn’t sure how to interpret this. Was it a symbol of appreciation for a simplified practice or meant to be a direct insult? It was difficult to tell, but my initial response, though, was probably surprising to the commenter: “We’re all full of it!”

If we weren’t, we wouldn’t need spiritual practices like meditation.” Since it was a mere ‘chat’ comment, though, I wasn’t able to follow up or clarify with the commenter. I didn’t take it personally, but I did spend some time with it to see what it might have to offer me.


Sure, I could have taken it as an insult…that this person thought I was full of it. They may have gotten nothing out of the practice or even been triggered by it or something I said. While that would be a bummer to know this was the intention, I’ve learned to immunize myself from the negative opinions of others.

The only way I could have been insulted is if I resonated with the comment on some level of charge, but I didn’t. I know that for every one who is not served by something someone does or says, there are usually a handful who do, and they are the only ones who matter, for whom the message was meant. Sometimes, what I say doesn’t even make sense to me and yet people keep coming back!


I could also have taken it as a compliment. “Yes, many other teachers are full of it, but I have integrity!” Now that would indeed have made me ‘full of it’.  The spiritual path is a long one. It lasts lifetimes. I don’t claim to be enlightened as a person. I just express what I express and know my true nature, beyond the person. Being a teacher is a role we all play to others at some time or other. Sure some are more adept but when it comes down to it, it’s far more about the receiver of the message and whether or not they construe meaning or essence from what is shared.

One thing’s for sure… If I thought a teacher was full of it, I wouldn’t be wasting my time at their meditations nor wasting my energy telling them what I thought.

We’re All Full of It

The truth is, yes, we are all full of it. The question perhaps is, what are we full of? Are we full of ourselves? Are we full of concepts and ideas and thoughts of being right? Are we full of ego? Well, yes. We are!

Are we full of Divine Light? Are we full of Love? Are we full of wisdom and capable of sharing a Holy message through this body/mind we inhabit. Well, yes we are!

We are all full of it. Can we love that about ourselves and each other? As spiritual teacher Ram Das is known to have said, “We’re all just walking each other home”.

Indra’s Web – Interconnectedness & Interdependency


Welcome to Indra’s Web. This art is representational of the Vedic metaphor of the Cosmos, signifying the interconnectedness and interdependency of all things.

Indra’s Web is a metaphorical concept with roots in ancient Hindu and Buddhist philosophy. The concept is named after the Hindu god Indra, who is a prominent deity in Hindu mythology and is considered the king of the heavens and the god of thunder and rain. In the ancient Vedic texts, which form the foundation of Hindu religious literature, Indra is portrayed as the chief of the gods, the leader of the Devas, and the ruler of Swarga (heaven). He is often depicted riding a white elephant while wielding a thunderbolt or vajra. In some texts, he is depicted as a powerful and valiant fighter who battles against demons and forces of chaos.

This web or net holds a pearl or  jewel at each intersection. Each jewel reflects all the other jewels, creating an infinite and interconnected web which conveys the idea that every individual element in the universe is interconnected with and reflects every other element. It symbolizes the interdependency and interrelation of all things in existence. In a broader sense, it highlights the notion that everything is connected and that the actions or changes in one part of the universe can have far-reaching effects on the whole.

Just as an unfortunate insect might crawl into a spider’s web and set off vibrations throughout the web, like a doorbell that alerts the homeowner of a visitor, any movement in one area of Indra’s Web affects every other part. It is the fascia or connective tissue of the Universe.

The concept is employed to illustrate the nature of reality, the interconnectedness of life, and the concept of interdependence. It encourages an understanding of the world that transcends the apparent separateness of individual entities and emphasizes the holistic nature of existence. It suggests that all of life is a mirror, that nothing in and of itself has an independent reality, and that we are truly all connected.

Even though there are seemingly independent jewels at each joint of the net, there’s nothing really there. Each joint is merely a reflection of all the other joints. And like a mirror is simply a reflective surface that has no independent reality. The cosmos is like a hall of mirrors.

But the importance of this model of cosmic connection goes even deeper. When we heal ourselves, we heal others. When we enter the healing process without expectation, when we go into to get the best result possible be that complete physical healing or mental/emotional healing or healing on some other level of being, we may do so knowingly for ourselves but whether we know it or not, we’re entering a process that reverberates and ripples out to others. We are all connected!

For more information on Mirror Meditation and it’s ability to support us on an awakening path, check out the following pages:

Mirror Meditations

Learn Mirror Meditation

Mirror Meditation Q&A

Mirrors as Altars

When Selfcare Sucks

When we think of selfcare, we tend to think of long hot paths full of rose petals or a cozy night in with a great movie and some favorite snacks. Or maybe it’s the discipline to go to the gym every morning. I’ve written before about how each of those things in and of itself isn’t necessarily selfcare…that it’s the attitude with which we experience these acts. But there’s another side of selfcare that is far less talked about. It’s when the selfcare we need kinda sucks.

When Selfcare Sucks

For those experiencing a medical problem, for example, selfcare can be doing a whole list of things you really don’t want to. It can involve driving back and forth from appointments, dealing with condescending doctors, having to take medications that make one feel worse, multiple tests, or lifestyle changes that cramp all the things one used to do for selfcare.

Or maybe there’s something that needs to happen to balance out one’s relationships. Maybe a confrontation is necessary. Maybe one is building up the courage to quit, raise a complaint or leave a relationship. And maybe whatever needs to happen doesn’t come so easily. Maybe it is asking for a level of confidence not felt, or the facing of one’s deepest held wounding. This can be scary. And often, procrastination gets in the way.

Or maybe one has a difficult goal to reach out of necessity rather than pleasure. For example, I have to keep studying French. I don’t really enjoy it all that much, and I find it so exhausting. But I know that doing it enriches my life here. I can consider it drudgery; or I can consider it selfcare. But doing so doesn’t mean it isn’t difficult.

Perhaps one’s budget needs tightening and this means giving up on the gratification of a longed-for trip. Or some responsibility demands that one set aside one’s own selfcare to help another. It may seem ironic, but dealing with what is in front of us, and being able to go with the flow, is indeed selfcare. The second we allow the mind to convince us that we’re somehow being cheated of our own selfcare time, resentments can grow. Recognizing that this is happening and taking steps to change our attitude is selfcare too.

Sometimes, selfcare just sucks.

Meditation Dangers

Meditation Trauma – Is it Real?

I listened to a fascinating interview on meditation trauma recently with Willoughby Britton, a neuroscientist who has done research into the negative effects of meditation. Apparently, she has received a great deal of backlash for her findings.

While I don’t agree with everything she says, and certainly not with the way she says it, I do think the pure science of her work is not only helpful but important, especially as a meditation teacher. To dismiss it would be incredibly negligent. 

This controversy reminds me of a few years ago when in the yoga world, a lot of the talk was about the injuries yogis were experiencing from their practice. Suddenly, headlines in the field were warning of the physical dangers of yoga poses and the hip replacements that were necessary. Now, we go from the physical to the mental realm to discover that meditation can also be “dangerous”.

Maybe It’s Us

Here’s a thought. Maybe it isn’t the yoga or the meditation. Maybe it’s us and the way we adopt practices! Unfortunately, we live in an era in which yoga and meditation, originally spiritual practices, are adopted by secular fields such as sports in the case of yoga or  psychology or personal development as a panacea for stress in the case of meditation. But meditation is not “a treatment”. It is a humble spiritual practice.

Just as if people enter a yoga practice unaware of a structural configuration that would otherwise bar them from certain poses, if people enter meditation with unresolved trauma, and we all have unresolved psychological issues, those issues will remain unresolved for both students and gurus alike. The problem really isn’t the practice; its these unresolved psychological issues of the practitioner. I wrote a post about who shouldn’t meditate and it began to address this, though in hindsight, I could probably update it to include “the perfectionist” or spiritual striver who overenthusiastically wants to outdo everyone and breakthrough ordinary reality.

Symptoms of Meditation Sickness

Being human is risky, psychologically speaking, so there are risks to any activity a person may engage in…even meditation. Let’s take a look at some (you can find more here) of the more common symptoms that a meditation practice can bring to the surface in the form of a healing crisis:

  • Sleeplessness
  • Headache
  • Flashbacks
  • Dissociation
  • Feeling Out of Control
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Negative Rumination
  • Intensified Emotions
  • Diminished Emotions
  • Memory Loss
  • Paranoia

Meditation can also create new challenges such as a kundalini awakening, hallucinations, and even psychosis but I don’t really want to go into these type of issues that can arise out of spiritual practice because most people will never encounter them. These certainly aren’t the type of meditation students I attract.

What Do the Symptoms Tell Us?

Such symptoms are a sign that something is not being addressed. Either we’re ignoring some underlying issue (which could include addiction of some sort) or we’re trying too damn hard or doing too damn much thinking than is good for us. Or we’re not expressing the truth of our practice with someone who can reflect back to us.

There’s no point (aside from commercial greed) to ignore that these symptoms can and do arise. But there’s also no point in either fearing them or avoiding meditation altogether because of them.  We just have to be aware of them and aware of ourselves and when our practice might be bringing out some new psychological toxin. Then we can address the reality of our situation by pausing practice, seeking support, and doing the necessary inner work, even if this means we let go of our practice for a time.

Be What You Are

I have often questioned myself whether my own revered nondual gurus such as Ramana Maharshi or more recently, Robert Adams, weren’t, in fact, experiencing some form of mental illness to have dissolved any sense of a separate self. That may indeed be our true nature, and yet, here we are…living in a world of duality, be it maya or not. So how realistic is it for me to follow their lead and expect or even strive for the same results? I don’t have an answer. I don’t need one. I let life take care of life. I am in this body perceiving through these eyes.

But there are plenty of people in this world who aren’t comfortable holding questions. They either collective-evidence gather to confirm their biases or overdo everything and feel entitled to peak experiences and/or unearned achievements. If a five-minute mindfulness practice is good, then a month-long silent retreat with ayahuasca and daily power yoga all while fasting has to be better. It’s never helped anyone to storm the impenetrable Gates of Heaven. It’ll boomerang and you’ll end up fried.

So How Should We Practice?

The best and safest way to approach meditation is to have no preconception of or expectations from it. I think a contributing factor to meditation trauma is how it breaks up our belief system, so the looser we can hold what we think we know before we even start meditating, the better. Forget about all the tales of reward too. Assume there are none. There’s no goal to reach. There’s no breakthrough just around the corner. Meditation isn’t an act. It’s a being.

So why do we bother? It probably wouldn’t surprise you that here at Divine Me Time, the belief is that the practice absolutely must come not from a motivation of “self-improvement” or “self-help” but from the soul (sole) wish of opening up to Spirit, whatever form of higher power works for each individual. Without that, we’re either just relaxing (and there’s nothing wrong with that) or trying too hard which is often fed from a lack of self-acceptance.

There also has to be a level of self-compassion and self-awareness. No guru can really teach you to meditate because you have to be able to discover what works for you. You have to discover your own truths about it and trust in those truths. You have to communicate your experience when working with a teacher. Abdicating your reality to a guru who him or herself might have some unresolved trauma or blindspot is only going to bring confusion and second-guessing.

In the end, the greatest advice ever given is to know thyself. And isn’t that what meditation is really all about?


Divine Me Time vs. Spiritual Bypassing

Have you heard the phrase “spiritual bypassing“? It was first coined by Buddhist teacher John Welwood. To quote him, it is the “tendency to use spiritual ideas and practices to sidestep or avoid facing unresolved emotional issues, psychological wounds, and unfinished developmental tasks”.

I appreciate this definition. It’s concise. And in essence, it warns that we cannot forsake the real work of awakening with all its gritty, uncomfortable, distressing, and totally destabilizing challenges in exchange for a free pass towards open-hearted bliss, joy, and well, Divine Me Time.

Believe it or not, a lot of what I offer here through Divine Me Time could be used to spiritually bypass life’s challenges. One might choose to continually avoid a conversation that needs to take place by turning instead toward a meditation practice. Or one might use a movement practice to empty the mind rather than face a painful feeling. Or someone might use their spiritual practices to convince themselves they are doing the work when they really aren’t. This requires a rather tricky kind of discernment because it’s never obvious to the one doing it and often takes place on a subconscious level of intention.

It’s Only Human

What’s more, it isn’t necessarily a terrible thing to do. In fact, it is a human thing to do. We are all looking for ways to feel better, and if we can do so without diving to the painful roots, we might think “why not?” Sometimes, we just need space from a problem. We can’t deal with it in the moment. It’s too much or we have to focus on more pressing things. Sometimes, we’re not ready to take the action we know is necessary. And sometimes, we’re just too exhausted to feel another gut-wrenching emotion.

It’s okay to rest when we need to. It’s even okay to employ a bit of escapism and “pretend” all is fine; that can be a way of faking it until one makes it. What’s not okay is not knowing what you’re doing when you’re doing it and why.

Somebody Save Me

Another aspect of spiritual bypass is thinking that some outer power or teacher or saint can do the work for you. We externalize the savior, paying our respects on Sunday perhaps, but then during the week, we’re cheating other and hating our neighbors. And yet, having some higher spiritual power to look towards, pray to, and invest faith in is an important aspect of Divine Me Time. So how do we balance out this seeming contradiction?

The savior, if not one’s self, is actually the behavior of the teacher, saint, guru to whom we look for wisdom. We must aspire to live by their example, not expect that their compassion will rescue us. We can gain strength, support and unconditional love, but there’s no such thing as a free indulgence. We’re either sincere in our awakening or we’re not. It’s not a gray area. But if we ever find that we are indeed bypassing a difficult aspect of our journey, all we have to do is see it and recommit to the true path of awakening.

We don’t need to judge ourselves. As I’ve said, it’s only human. But once we become aware of any tendency we may have, it is simple enough to adjust course.


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